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"Management accounting ... 20 years later"


At the Accounting and Finance Faculty of SSAU was a competition "Management Accounting ... 20 years later." In 2015 Management accounting is celebrating its small but still jubilee - 20 years. In 1995 the subject "Management accounting" is in the state educational standards and curricula for professional accountants. This year was considered the beginning of its recognition and establishment in Russia.

In the contest, the theme of which was the development of management accounting in Russia, the fourth-year students were involved. Task Team was to present his vision of the development of management accounting in Russia. Teams in three competitions, "Welcome", "Management biathlon", "Homework." Talent, skill and professionalism of the applicants were evaluated by the jury: director of "Wines Praskovja - 2" J. Y. Darienko, Head of Research and Innovation Training Center Y. A. Bezgina, Head of the Foreign Languages Department ​​O. A. Chudnova, Vice- Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Technology Management A. A. Khodusov , Assotiate Professor of "Accounting Financial Faculty" O. E. Sytnik.

The game was intense, interesting and exciting. And here are the results: 1st place was divided between team "Likhie 90" (Group 2) and team "Managers" (Group 1), 2nd place at least a strong team "20 years sovmestnoy dzizni" (Group 5), on the 3 place was team "Nestandart" (Group 4), the fourth was the team of "Ekobukhi" (Group 3). All participants were awarded with diplomas and sweet prizes.

Congratulations to the students - they have once again proved that the accountant - creative profession! 

Дата новости для фото:  13.11.2015
Номер новости для фото:  8

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