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The competition for the title of the best students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine of the best"


The results of the competition for the title of the best students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine of the best" were summed in October.

The results of the competition for the title of the best students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine of the best" were summed in October.

"Nine of the best"  is a competition to identify the best students who have shown outstanding results in training, research, social, cultural, media, creative and sports life of the university and beyond. When assessing the contestan, special achievements in the development of programs of higher education, scientific research, the results of extracurricular activities were paid attention to.

In October 201, the best students were:

The Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources

Angelica HOROSHILTSEVA – a 2nd year student, an excellent student, an elder group, a technician of the Department "Agricultural Chemistry and Plant Physiology." In 2015, she became a grant holder of the All-Caucasian Educational Forum "Mashuk" in the "Scientific and Technical Creativity", a holder of the title "UMNIK - 2015" of the Stavropol Territory. She is an author of five research articles, and an active organizer and participant of various art and cultural events and both at the faculty and at the University: Open Days, campaign outreach programs, parent-teacher conferences, commemorative concerts. As part of the volunteer group "Care", she held charity events in orphanages named after Zatsepin, "Rosinka" in  Stavropol, an orphanage in a remote base, correcting school number 14 in  Konstantinovsky. She also consists in a group of oriental dance studio.

Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture

Ekaterina Galkina – a 4-th year student, an excellent student, a member of the trade union committee of the SSAU students, a member of the party "United Russia", a volunteer of  student teams "Care" and "Ozelenitel." She is an author of research articles, a member of student research and practical conference "Young Agrarians of Stavropoay", a winner of University contests "Young Talents", "Student Spring", "The Golden Voice of SSAU", "Soldier's envelope." She is an active participant in a variety of artistic and cultural events and at the faculty at the University: Open Days, charity events, graduation and anniversary concerts, conferences, parent meetings. She is awarded with the medal "Glory and pride of the university" for outstanding achievements in studies, research work and public life of the university.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

OLGA Chepeleva – a 5-th year student, an excellent student, a secretary of educational commission rate, a winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition for the best research work among students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the field of "Veterinary Medicine". She has been trained under the program APOLLO in Germany biofactory  Henkel GbR (Germany). She is an assistant of the Scientific –and-diagnostic veterinary and medical center of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, a member of the student specialized unit "Oh How It Hurts", a member of public and cultural events at the faculty and at the University: Schools of student union activists, the regional stage of the business game "New Farmer". She takes an active part in scientific forums, conferences, and has research articles.

The Faculty of Technology Management

ELENA SHIRITS –a 4th year student, an excellent student, the deputy head of the volunteer group "VLADA", an author of the research work "Development of product technology of functional orientation." She adequately represented the university at the All-Russian competition of scientific and technical creativity of youth "NTTM - 2015" (Moscow), where she received the grand prize winner. She is a winner of the second stage of the annual All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, held in FSEIHPE "Gorsky State Agrarian University." She is an owner of diplomas and certificates for the food industry, an author of scientific articles and publications in the field of food industry, a participant of scientific conferences and all the cultural activities department.

Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism

JULIA Dolgov – a 2nd year student, an elder group, a member of the Student Scientific Society, member of the student scientific and practical conferences, a vice-dean for educational work of the faculty,  an officer of Dean's Office at the Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism, an active organizer of various artistic and cultural events at the university. She maintains an active social work at the Faculty, being awarded with many diplomas and letters of thanks.

Accounting and Finance Faculty

Ekaterina Kopylova -a 4th year student, an excellent student, a scholarship nominal of the Government of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Student Committee for the quality of university education, the deputy mayor, a participant of the All-Russian Student Forum on Excellence in Education "Quality of education: international experience and the best practice of the Russian" (Astrakhan). She has diplomas, certificates and diplomas of Sberbank of Russia, VTB - 24 SSAU, SKFU, ASU and other universities in Russia. She actively participates in research conferences, Olympiads and competitions being an author of more than 15 scientific articles. She is the winner of the 3rd Interregional Olympiad for taxes and taxation, as well as the winner of the All-Russian competition for the best original research in the field of financial markets. She was awarded with the medal "Glory and pride of the university" for outstanding achievements in studies, research work and public life of the University.

Faculty of Economics

IRINA KIRNOZOVA- a 3-d year student of the Faculty of Economics, a deputy mayor and group of educational commission, an activist of the faculty and the university, a member of the university, city and regional events and activities She is an author of 9 scientific articles and participant of scientific and practical conferences, a  winner of University competitions, an organizer of Territory, North Caucasian and Russian forum "Search - 2014", "Search - 2015", "Mashuk - 2014", "Seliger - 2014", "The territory of sense. Generation of Knowledge "," Tauris ", a correspondent of the "Information Podderzhka.RF", a winner of the regional competition on road safety "Students for safety on the roads of Stavropol '.

Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization

Maxime Anuprienko – a 2d-year student,an excellent studens, the Student Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, a co-author of two scientific articles. He participated in exhibitions: "Agrouniversal" (2014-2015 gg.). He is a member of specialized student group "Kolos" and the student union committee of the SSAU, an active organizes and participant of various sports, artistic and cultural events in high school and beyond, "Young Talents", "Student Spring", "Mashuk", "Carnival", "Christmas in every home", the Day of Knowledge, school asset, a member of the step-group «Golden Foxes», a member of the 78th Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Young Agrarians Stavropol", a winner of second degrees of the 23th regional festival-contest "Student Spring Stavropol – 2015, a member of the 3rd Festival of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation "On the banks of the Moscow River." He was awarded with a medal "Glory and pride of the University" medal for the anniversary of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, for outstanding achievements in study, research and public activities.

Electricity Faculty

Ekaterina Konstantinova -  a 2nd year student, an  excellent student, a head of the Center for Civil-patriotic education "Patriot", an author and co-author of three articles published in collections of scientific papers, an active participant of the scientific conferences and competitions, a holder of a gold medal "The best innovation project and the best scientific and technical development of the year", a member of the academic community of the faculty, responsible for amateur performances at the faculty.

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