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The competition of future accountants and tax specialists


In honor of Russia Day of accountant and tax authorities, accountants marathon hosted at the Stavropol State Agrarian University. It was attended by the third-year students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance: two teams of our University - "Kryzhiki", "Chamber of Tax Consultants" - and the team of the Stavropol Construction College "Sharks of economy". The organizers are teacher of the Accounting Financial Accounting Department of the SSAU docents N.V. Kulish, O.E. Sitnic, assistant J.S. spondylitis.

The students showed a high level of theoretical knowledge in solving accounting problems. They approached creatively to implementation of competitive tasks. The guests of the event and the members of the jury were once again convinced that these accountants and tax specialists can not only reduce the debit with credit, compile and verify the balance sheet, but are fond of joke. They are creative people with varied interests. Accounting Marathon turned out to be fascinating, fun, informative. The strongest team was the SSAU "Chamber of Tax Consultants team. All participants received gifts and diplomas. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.11.2015
Номер новости для фото:  10

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