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Official information

Wide tread - to new frontiers!

There was held a traditional concert dedicated to the Defender's Day in the assembly hall of SSAU .

- Dear men of Agrarian university! On behalf of the female half of the faculty and staff of the University accept our deep and warm congratulations on the Defender's Day! - These words were greeted to the audience by the Vice-rector of extended education, associate professor O.M. Lisova.

- This is a celebration of those who is responsible for the present and create a foundation for the future, whom we call real men. The life of the modern world is changing rather quickly, but there are values that retain the original high importance. These are the love for their land, the faithful to civil and military duty, the respect for the Fatherland’s history and patriotism. No matter how the times have change, each of you, dear men, is responsible for: your family, for your staff, for your country.

Let me to wish you good health, courage and self-belief on the Defender's Day. May your mind, strength, courage are successfully realized in the work, science and art!

The creative program of festive evening was opened by Academic Folk Choir of teachers and employees of the university by the honored artist of Russia Valery Korotkov. The choir sounded well-known song "Ballad of a Soldier", "A young sailor goes to visit," and others. The choir was accompanied by dance compositions prepared by students of the university.

The concert included a bright, original shows of amateur creative collectives of the university: the circus studio, the show-ballet "Dance Stuff" vocal groups "Joyce" and "Provence", holders of the title “Golden Voice of Agricultural University” Svetlana Sevastianova and other performers.

Rector of SSAU V.I. Trukhachev declared a minute of silence in memory hero of the Soviet Union’s hero, an honorary citizen of Stavropol region I.A. Shchipakin, on the eve deceased. "People like Ivan Shchipakin is our eternal moral guide, - the rector said. - Today, I want first of all to congratulate the veterans, their feat worthy of the deepest respect and admiration. " Next V.I. Trukhachev congratulated the staff of the University with the Defender's Day and thanked the talented, extraordinary, brilliant artists of the submitted work.

- We can not rest on our laurels. Wide tread we go to the new goals and new frontiers, - said Vladimir Ivanovich at the end of the festive event.

Traditionally, children volunteers solemnly laid flowers to the monument "Eternal glory to the students, faculty and staff members of Stavropol Agricultural Institute, who fell in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." 

The 23th of February – The Defender’s Day

Dear colleagues! Dear friends!

I warmly congratulate the whole team of Stavropol State Agrarian University with the Defender’s Day! Special congratulations are to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and participants of local military operations. Address kind words to those who fulfill the high mission of the Fatherland protection, ensuring the independence of our country in the ranks of the Russian Federation Air Force, to our students, graduates. At all times the army was and remains the bastion of national security, the guarantee of citizens' pledge of peace, the standard of state authority in the world. The Defender’s Day is one of the most revered festivals in our country that embodies the inextricable link and continuity of generations, symbolizes the valor and heroism of the defenders of our country.

We all have a sacred responsibility, that was given us from the birth, to be a real man, to build and to work for the benefit of Russia, to protect the frontiers of the Fatherland, his home and family, to ensure stability and peace in society, to ensure a peaceful future for children. Where are the real men there is always discipline, order and efficiency.

I wish you to keep the dignity in all situations, to defend their principles, to show generosity and magnanimity in achieving your goals!

Remain for ever a firm support of his family, an example of courage and bravery, confidence in the guarantee of a stable future!

Peaceful sky, good health, happiness and well-being, creative success and professional achievements you and your loved ones! Congratulations!

Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University,

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor

State Duma deputy of Stavropol region

Hero of Labor of Stavropol

Honorary Citizen of Stavropol region 

Youth leaders are special people
School of Youth Leaders was opened in the SSAU; here students may have a course on youth leaders’ skills, including theoretical and practical lessons, training students to work with children in a camp and in stressful situations, to solve various problems.
Scientists of the SSAU presented their scientific research in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory
Scientists of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources took part in the meeting of Research and Technology Council of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory in the subpanel “Horticulture”.