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Official information

A series of master classes for participants of competition «Streets are called by their names..." started

On November 20, 2013 on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University the first master class for participants of competition «Streets are called by their names... " passed.

The children had an opportunity to meet Olga Zainchenko − the teacher with a long-term experience and the author of the book "To Know and to Remember". At a meeting participants listened to fascinating lecture about heroes of Stavropol whose names the city streets were called.

The Head of competition, the student of Registration and financial faculty Ekaterina Voytysheva the main goal of carrying out this action is the desire to impart youth love to history of the hometown and to tell everybody about people, about memorable places and events of Stavropol.

More than 50 people participate in competition − they are representatives of different higher education institutions and city schools. Creation of videos about heroes will be a result of this competition.

The second master class under the name "Creative Thinking" will pass on November 21. It will be carried out by the vice-chairman of trade-union committee of students at SSAU, the art director of forum "MASHUK-2012" Julia Voitova.

Week of  Socio-cultural service and tourism faculty is passing in scientific library

From November 18 to November 22, 2013 "Week of Socio-cultural service and tourism faculty" passes in scientific library.

The purpose of this action is to acquaint students and teachers of faculty with traditional and electronic resources of scientific library on tourism and service activity, to give consulting support during the work with the Russian and international data bases.

For students and teachers of faculty the exhibition of new literature, an exhibition of educational and methodical literature for the last five years, additional literature and periodicals in the service and tourism directions are prepared. The great interest is represented by the illustrated albums on known tourist routes of the North Caucasus, Russia and the world. The rare editions on tourism were found in the fund of scientific library. Library workers prepared a selection of electronic editions from electronic and library systems, the Russian and international magazines with a high impact-factor. And on a site of scientific library the virtual exhibition of new editions − "Tourism 2013" is exhibited.