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Official information

The annual training seminar for the first-year students of the Socio-cultural service and tourism faculty
The annual training seminar for the first-year students of the Socio-cultural service and tourism faculty was organized on 12-13 of September. All students have visited the Kavkazskie Mineralnye Vody
The students of our University took part in the « Crop Day-2013»
The Stavropol State Agrarian University took an active part in the main holiday of Stavropol farmers- regional «Crop Day» on September 14, 2013.
The silver prize was won by our student
Post-graduate student of Agronomy faculty Anjelica Soldatkina won the silver medal at the first stage of World Cup on trampoline and acrobatic path jumps.
«Decade of the first-year students» is completed
In the first days of the academic year the scientific library of SSAU carried out "Decade of the first-year student". In ten days all first-year students received sets of textbooks on the first semester, knew the rules of the work in library departments
SSAU freshmen’s will participate in the School of the student's trade-union active members
From September 21 to September 23, 2013 the traditional School of the student's trade-union active members "Young leader of SSAU – 2013" will be on the Veterinary clinics territory of the Stavropol State Agrarian University
On a joint academic council congratulated on anniversary academician Victor Makarovich Penchukov
On September 10, 2013 the ceremonial meeting of the Stavropol SAU Academic council, devoted to the anniversary of the academician of Agrarian Sciences Russian Academy, the doctor of agricultural sciences, professor of the General and Meliorative agriculture chair of Agronomy faculty Victor Makarovich Penchukov took place
The collective of the Stavropol SAU on the honor board
On September 6, 2013 opening ceremony of an honor board of Leninsky district in Stavropol took place.
Registration and financial faculty solemnly celebrate the professional holiday
On September 6, 2013 within celebration of the All-Russian professional holiday the Financier Day two large events were held for the students of registration and financial faculty.