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Official information

Stavropol State Agrarian University is growing with  "mirror laboratories"
On October 26, an agreement was signed between the Stavropol and Kuban State Agrarian Universities on the establishment of the “Mirror Laboratory "Center for the Study of the Quality of Life"”. Universities are planning to conduct joint scientific studies of the quality of life in the countryside on the territory of their regions.
Round table to discuss methods of data collection and creation of thematic blocks of specialized GIS "Rural areas of the region"
The seminar was the first joint event of the Higher School of Economics and Stavropol State Agrarian University under the project "Spatial analysis as a key tool for managing rural development in the region: principles, methods, practical recommendations", implemented as part of the "Mirror Laboratories" program in 2022-2024. Recall that in 2022 Stavropol State Agrarian University, together with its partner High School of Economics, became the winner in the Mirror Laboratories project competition of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Youth forum “Smart route. Agrotechnologies of the future»
The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted an educational forum “Smart route. Agrotechnologies of the Future”, organized by the Russian Society “Knowledge” and the Russian Agricultural Bank. Young Stavropol residents took part in the agrotechnological forum for the first time and met with experienced mentors to learn about the main trends and innovations in agriculture, as well as the prospects for the professional development of young professionals in the agro-industrial complex.
Students of the Faculty of Biotechnology studied in practice the operation of the ultrasound diagnostic apparatus for cattle
Also during the practice, experience was gained in the field of artificial insemination, control of the level of liquid nitrogen in the Dewar vessel, identification of cows and heifers in the hunt. The students completed their internship at Agroalliance Invest LLC.
Young researchers assessed the physicochemical parameters of soil samples of various anthropogenic load
As part of the strategic academic leadership program "Priority-2030" at the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the "School of the Young Naturalist" was created. Any student or college student can try himself as a chemist.
Agrarian students told schoolchildren about combat veterans
School № 6 in Pelagiada village hosted the debate "Patriotism and modern youth". During the event, schoolchildren got acquainted with the history of the National Unity Day holiday, which all of Russia will celebrate on November 4 and which has a deep patriotic meaning - the unity of the Russian people, the desire to be strong and courageous in the face of danger.
STGAU participates in the work of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Territory on designing the boundaries of protected zones of natural monuments
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Stavropol Territory held a regular working meeting on the creation, establishment of boundaries and regimes of protected zones of natural monuments. The meeting was attended by representatives of the regional ministries, the prosecutor's office of the Stavropol Territory, administrations of cities and districts of the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody region, higher educational and research institutions, public environmental organizations.
Professional competencies in practice - approaches to public financial management
At the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, a field practice-oriented lesson was held for students of the profile "Finance and Credit" and the specialty "Economic Security". The lesson was held at the Federal Treasury for the Stavropol Territory. Students were provided with information about the main powers of the Federal Treasury and its territorial bodies, functions and tasks of the treasury system. The Head of the Expenses Department, Demina Elena Yuryevna, spoke in detail about the work of her department, as well as the functions of controlling the spending of targeted funds and the procedure for authorizing transactions carried out by the clients of the Department.
Future hospitality professionals visited the Anniversary International Exhibition of the Hospitality Industry "Pir Expo-2022"
The Anniversary International Exhibition of the Hospitality Industry "Pir Expo-2022" was held in Moscow, which was attended by students of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism. During the exhibition, students had the opportunity to get acquainted with representatives of more than 500 companies, including leading manufacturers and suppliers of products and services for the hospitality industry, as well as restaurateurs and hoteliers in Russia and the CIS countries, who offered the most interesting and effective business solutions for the successful functioning of modern enterprises food and accommodation.
Participation of SSAU scientists in the National Veterinary Conference (NVC)
Moscow hosted the National Veterinary Conference (NVC), the largest annual veterinary conference in Russia and Eastern Europe. This is the most significant veterinary event held under the auspices of the Board of Veterinary Specialists and the Veterinary National Chamber. NVC traditionally took place in the congress hall of the Crocus-Expo exhibition complex, with a total area of 9000m2, which hosts the largest medical conferences and congresses in our country.
Closing of the fourth stream of the Farmer's School
The Farmer's School is an educational program that includes theoretical classes with leading teachers of SSAU, the best employees of the regional branch of the Russian Agricultural Bank and practical cases at the best agro-industrial enterprises in Stavropol. The training was held in relevant areas: meat and dairy cattle breeding, sheep breeding, gardening. Among the listeners, both beginner entrepreneurs and students, as well as experienced professionals with a desire to develop new areas of business. Many went to school to continue the family business.
Professor of the Stavropol State Agrarian University is awarded with an honorary diploma of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation
Kvochko Andrey Nikolaevich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Physiology, Surgery and Obstetrics is awarded a diploma by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
Work is nearing completion on the creation of the largest in Russia testing ground-laboratory "Intelligent hydrodynamic systems and complexes"
Flowing (calibration) installations for a testing ground-laboratory are designed for testing, calibrating and calibrating flow converters of various types with a wide range of layouts, as well as for measuring, reproducing, storing and transmitting units of mass and volume flow, mass and volume of a flowing liquid. The scope of the pouring installation is very wide. This is the control of the metrological characteristics of meters, flowmeters, rotameters, liquid (water) volume converters, as well as their testing, verification and calibration. The measurement of reproducible values of flow, mass and volume of water is implemented by the method of static weighing and the method of direct comparison.
Participation of SSAU in the business program  "Development of Territories"
At the site of the international exhibition center "Minvody EXPO", the city of Mineralnye Vody, the final of the "Development of territories" direction was held, held by ANO "Russia - a country of opportunities" as part of the competition of the presidential platform "Masters of Hospitality". The best industry specialists were invited to the educational program in the Stavropol Territory, who shared their knowledge and experience.
Financial Literacy Marathon for Freshmen
First-year students completed tasks and answered questions about insurance, loans, rules for using plastic cards, taxation, consumer protection, etc. Using their financial knowledge, logic, ingenuity, as well as strategic thinking, it was necessary to correctly answer as many questions as possible. questions. The marathon was held as part of the implementation of the regional program "Improving the level of financial literacy of the population of the Stavropol Territory and developing financial education in the Stavropol Territory" on the basis of the Business School "ABC of Money" of the youth technopark "SmartAgro" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.
All-Russian closing of the summer working season of student energy teams
In Moscow, the solemn closing of the summer working season of the student energy teams of the Rosseti group of companies took place. The all-Russian event brought together students from 13 regions of the country, for whom the energy industry is a future profession. Nine students from specialized universities from the Stavropol Territory as part of the Vershina team represented the company Rosseti North Caucasus.
Training "Entrepreneurial Thinking" as part of the acceleration program
For the participants of the first acceleration program "Agro&InfraUP" the training "Entrepreneurial thinking" was held.
Agrotechnologies of the future: SSAU will host a youth forum of the Russian society "Knowledge" and the Russian Agricultural Bank
On October 27, Stavropol State Agrarian University will host an educational forum “Smart route. Agrotechnologies of the Future”, organized by the Russian Society “Knowledge” and the Russian Agricultural Bank. Participation in the forum is free, you just need to register in advance on the website of the Knowledge Society. After a series of lectures, participants will be able to present their innovative ideas and get the opportunity to develop them in the RSHB accelerator.
SSAU students will assemble a prototype of the legendary "Kirovets"
A unique training stand, representing the running gear of a tractor in a section, will allow students of the Agrarian University to hone their practical skills in repairing this agricultural machinery right in the laboratory of the university. With the support of Stavropolagropromsnab LLC, the Stavropol State Agrarian University opened the only training and research laboratory of the Petersburg Tractor Plant JSC in the North Caucasus Federal District.
We invite SSAU students to the job fair
On October 27, the Stavropol State Agrarian University will host a job fair for all faculties with representatives of leading enterprises and organizations of the region.

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