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Official information

Patriotic education
A seminar-meeting of biomedical problems REC took place
March 13th, 2013 on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, a seminar-meeting of biomedical problems REC took place. The event was opened by the Dean of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor Valery A. Belyaev. The Vice Dean of the Faculty, the chairman of the council of young scientists and specialists of the Faculty, Cand. Sc. Biology, Evgeniya V. Safonovoskaya gave a report about the laboratory facilities of the faculty, the main opportunities and prospects of cooperation.
The final selection of the candidates for the study course in Germany took place
March, 5- 6 2013 in Stavropol State Agrarian University the second stage of the candidates’ selection for the agricultural practice in Germany (Program APOLLO - «Association for Cooperation on Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development in Eastern Europe") took place.
Open lecture of German farmer
March 6, 2013 Henry Meltgen – farmer, participating in the program APOLLO, - held an open lecture on Germany enterprises, told about the peculiarities of their development and history. The lecture was attended by the students of all faculties of the University, participating in the program APOLLO, as well as by all students, graduate students and professors who are interested in Germany agriculture.
Fitness competition of Stavropol region "Sport against drugs"
March 6th, 2013 in the hall of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was the fitness competition of Stavropol region. The competition was held under the theme "Sport against drugs."
The  6 th Winter Student Games  among institutes of higher education  of  the Department of Agriculture.
March 2 -9, 2013. The finals on indoor soccer, table tennis, chess and skis among agrarian institutes of higher education of the Russian Federation were held on the basis of Saratov State Agrarian University.
The students of Stavropol State Agrarian University visited the welfare shelter «Rosinka»
The second year students of the Faculty of Hospitality Business and Tourism and their curator, associate professor Karina Yurevna Mikhaylova were not indifferent to the pupils’ hard luck of a welfare shelter "Rosinka"
Events on military - patriotic theme were held for the freshmen.
On the 4th and 6 th of March, 2013 at Stavropol State Agrarian University the round work tables on the subjects "Problems of Interethnic Relations in Stavropol Region and the Way of Solution", " The 70-th anniversary of Stalingrad Battle " and quizes on the subject "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 were held
Congratulations on the International Women's Day of Presidency of the Government of the Russian Federation
Addressed vice-chancellor of extramural, full-time and additional training O. M. Lisovoy and running the control of education quality E. V. Khokhlova had congratulation from the Presidency of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev.