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Official information

Meeting of international rally "Our Great Victory"
On the 29-th of March, 2013 at the memorial "Eternal Glory" there was the participants meeting of international rally "Our Great Victory", dedicated to the 68-th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Volleyball competition among young men
On 27-28 March 2013 there was a volleyball competition among young men as part of 57th Spartakiad of students on the base of Stavropol State Agrarian University Sports complex. All faculties’ teams took part in the event.
SSAU football team won in tournament in memory of the Hero of Russia Vladislav Dukhin
SSAU team was the first students` team in 13th football tournament in memory of the Hero of Russia Vladislav Dukhin. During six days fifty six teams (more than 1000 young sportsmen from the South of Russia and Moscow Region) contended for the championship in six age categories.
Congratulations on the anniversary!
The Administration of SSAU and academic teaching staff of Agronomy and Plant Protection Faculties congratulate Nicholay Mitrofanovich Kurennoy on the anniversary!
Agrariy is the best student`s team of Stavropol Territory
On 29 March 2013 there was an Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference “Students` teams of the North Caucasus. New forms of work and activities organization” in the North Caucasus Federal University. During the conference there was the winners’ award of the regional students` teams competition of 2012.
Winners and prize winners of IV Pupils` Production Team Competition at Stavropol State Agrarian University
On 30 March 2013 there was a triumphant winners of IV Pupils` Production Team Competition award with participation of 183 pupils from 19 Stavropol Territory Districts.
14th meeting of the Council of Central-and Eastern Europe Club Leaders
March 29, 2013 the Center of education management quality staff Elena Khokhlova and Galina Dub took part in the 14th session of the Council of Leaders Club in Central-and Eastern Europe, held in conjunction with Russian National quality organization
Visiting of Coca-Cola Icecek
March 26, 2013 the Center of education management quality staff Elena Khokhlova and Galina Dub visited the company Coca-Cola Icecek (Turkey, Ankara) as a part of the event "Best Practices" held by European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)
Foreign visit