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Official information

Spring week of good
Volunteers of TOLK group and activists of SSAU began the week of good with participation on April 20, 2013 in the All-Russian community work day, where together with committee on affairs of youth cleared the territory about movie theater "MIR" and took out about 40 bags of garbage, and also cleaned the territory about pond Yelagin.
Easter congratulation of the rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university
Heartily I congratulate you on a holiday of Easter Sunday!
Students of the Kuban agrarian university visited the faculty of veterinary medicine
On April 26, 2013 students-veterinarians of the Kuban state agrarian university visited faculty of veterinary medicine of the Stavropol state agrarian university.
The student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became the silver prize-winner of a World series on a diving
The 3rd-year student Accounting and finance faculty Evgeny Kuznetsov at the fourth stage of the world FINA series which has passed in Moscow from April 25 to April 28, 2013, took the second place in jumps from a three-meter springboard, having broken the Chinese tandem Qin Kai and He Chun.
Students of SSAU took part in the stock "Our Common Victory"
<div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: small; ">On April 27, 2013 in the territory of the city recreation park "Victory" the All-Caucasus student's patriotic stock "Our Common Victory" dated for the 70th anniversary of liberation of the Caucasus from fascist armies and celebration of the 68th anniversary of a victory took place. Students of the Stavropol state agrarian university very actively and adequately presented our higher education institution.</span></div>
Patriotic actions took place in a museum of history of university on the eve of the Victory Day
On the eve of the Victory Day from April 22 to April 26 in a museum of history of university, the student's center of civil and patriotic education "Patriot" prepared and carried out the readings "Veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War – employees of SSAU".
We are so different, but we are together!
From April 25 to April 28, 2013 foreign students Vein Yirzhi and Issah Ali took active part in work of the International festival of foreign students of the South of Russia "We are so different, but we are together!", as which organizers the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Kalmyk state university acted.
Teams of university won three victories at a regional basketball festival
Within a regional student's university basketball festival among higher education institutions on April 24, 2013 the game between teams of Agrarian and Federal universities took place in which the man's combined team of the Stavropol state agrarian university won a victory with the score 75-71.
The best university team on aerobics is revealed
On April 25, 2013 in sport center of the Stavropol state agrarian university passed interfaculty fitness aerobics competitions.
The Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Olga Golodets handed over awards to our university.
On April 26, 2013 in the House of the Government of the Russian Federation awards were handed over to the winners of the All-Russian competition "Russian Organization of High Social Efficiency".
Participants of the competition "U.M.N.I.K. − 2013" have been celebrated at STGAU
The rewarding of the All-Russian competition "U.M.N.I.K − 2013" winners ceremonytook place on April 24, 2013at the Stavropol state agrarian university.
The title "Honored" is confirmed!
On April 25, 2013 the academic teacher chorus of the Stavropol State Agrarian University presented to the jury the concert program for the "Honored” title confirmation.  For the first time the collective received this title in 2007 and has confirmed it again now.
The Grand Prix “Student’s spring of Stavropol Territory – 2013” were received by student STGAU Maxim Bukreev
The regional festival competition “Student’s Spring of Stavropol Territory – 2013” successfully came to the end for students of Stavropol GAU XXI.
“The Spring on a Roof” program of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was recognized as the winner and in the nomination “the best program “Student’s spring of Stavropol Territory”.
Student of SSAU won a silver medal in kickboxing championship of Russia
3rd year student of the faculty of agronomy Ruben Tarverdyan won a silver medal in kickboxing championship of Russia in the weight category of 67 kg. The competition took place from 15 to 20 April, 2013 in Krasnoyarsk.
Members of SSAU took part in the training for professionals working with young people
On April 19, 2013 the specialists of the Centre of aesthetic education of students and the students’ union committee of SSAU took part in the training workshop for experts working with youth of the institutions of higher and medium professional education of Stavropol.
Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in “A night in the library” action
Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the action “Great literary journey” Before the first cock” which took place in Stavropol Regional Universal Scientific Library named after M.Y. Lermontov.
Students-agrarians took part in the Donor Day
Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University came to the Regional station of blood transfusion to take part in the Donor Day.
Photo and video studio started its work
A new studio of the Centre of aesthetic education of students started its work.
Coach of StGAU became the champion of Russia in weightlifting
Senior Lecturer of department of Physical Education and Sports, the coach of the highest category, Nina VyachieslavovnaMuhortova won Russian open personally-team championship in weightlifting among masters.
Students of StGAU participated in a citywide cleaning day
April 20, 2013 students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took an active part in the citywide cleaning day.