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Official information

The winners and prize-winners of the VII Territorial Olympiad of Student Working Teams were honored in the SSAU
It has been very busy today in Stavropol State Agrarian University; there was a ceremonial awarding of the winners of the VII Territorial Olympiad of Student Working Teams
 «Youth, science, creativity»
Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth, science and creativity" was conducted at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Ecology and Landscape Architecture within the frames of the 81 scientific-practical conference "Agricultural science - North Caucasian Federal District"
Business play for future managers was held in the Agrarian University
Business play for the students of Economic Faculty of the Department of State and Municipal Management and Law on the theme "Why are elections necessary in our country,» was conducted by an honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor,  V.A. Cherepanov