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Official information

Faculty of Accounting and Finance congratulated orphans on International Children's Day
The members of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of SSAU celebrated the International Children's Day with a traditional visit to sponsored orphanages for the university.
Scientists of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the Stavropol State  Agrarian University took part in a regional meeting dedicated to the repair of equipment
Last season, the farmers discussed the problems with the repair of equipment in the Grachevsky district last week.
Participation in the intellectual On-Line quiz
Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, together with students from Moscow, competed with teams from Russian regions in an online quiz.
The members of the Faculty of Economics of the Stavropol State Agrarian University celebrated International Children's Day with good deeds
June 1 is celebrated as International Children's Day, which is one of the most important international holidays.
SSAU team is the winner of the final stage of the games of the Stavropol student mini-football league
On the basis of the North Caucasian Federal University, the final stage of the Stavropol student mini-football league among higher educational institutions was held. 8 teams representing educational organizations of the region competed for the victory in the tournament.
Training game "Money does not buy happiness"
In the central library of the Stavropol Territory, a training game “Money does not buy happiness” was held, organized by students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty, members of the group “Financier”.
SSAU women's team is the winner of the Cup of the Stavropol Territory in volleyball
The best athletes of the region gathered in the playing hall of the Stavropol State Agrarian University to compete for the title of the winner of the Stavropol Territory Cup in volleyball.
Results of the 3rd stage of the All-Russian competition for the best academic paper among students, graduate students and young scientists of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia
The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the III stage of the Competition in the nominations "Agroengineering" for students and "Electrical technologies, electrical equipment and power supply of the agro-industrial complex" for graduate students and young scientists.
XXII Russian exhibition of breeding sheep and goats in the city of Volgograd
Stavropol State Agrarian University at the XXII Russian exhibition of pedigree sheep and goats was represented by the head of the basic department of private animal husbandry, selection and breeding of animals, Professor Evgeny Nikolaevich Chernobay.
Conference dedicated to the Day of Russian entrepreneurship
On May 26, Russia celebrates the Day of Russian Entrepreneurship. This professional holiday was established by decree of the President of Russia on October 21, 2007. Its purpose is to attract public attention to the development of the Russian economy, the problems of medium, small and large businesses.
Diagnostics of the phytosanitary state of winter wheat crops
As part of the implementation of the program «Priority 2030» in the field of study "Biologization of agriculture", teachers and students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources carried out diagnostics of the phytosanitary state of winter wheat crops on the basis of the experiment on the effect of microfertilizers.
Future agronomists visited the state farm named after Kirov
There was a field trip for students in the fields of study "Тechnology of production of crop products", "Agronomy", "Plant protection", "Fruit and vegetable growing" in CJSC "Sovkhoz named after Kirov" of the Stavropol Territory, Trunovsky MD. The tour began with a demonstration of winter wheat and sunflower fields, both crops grown on the farm to produce their own seed material. The farm also grows winter barley, winter rapeseed, peas, corn, and flax.
Successful graduates visited university 40 years later
The alumni meeting is a special event and a unique form of communication that allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the alma mater again. The university is always glad to see its graduates. The Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources met the 1982 graduates of the Agronomic Faculty of the Stavropol Agricultural Institute. The meeting was scheduled, 24 graduates of the Faculty of Agronomy arrived from different parts of our region and country.
Business game "Guess the profession"
As part of the program to promote the federal project "Professionality" in the Stavropol Territory, in accordance with the plan for conducting career guidance activities aimed at popularizing the FP "Professionality" and supporting the admission campaign of the FP "Professionality" program in the Stavropol Territory, for students in grades 6-11 of secondary general education organizations at the faculty of secondary vocational education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, a business game "Guess the profession" was held.
Full-time educational course "Organization of educational work in educational institutions of secondary vocational education"
Within the framework of the federal project "Professionality" on the basis of the All-Russian Children's Center "Change", teachers of the faculty of secondary vocational education completed a full-time educational course "Organization of educational work in educational institutions of secondary vocational education." For teachers of 70 colleges and technical schools of the country, master classes and educational seminars were held on the organization of educational work.
Career guidance form period
As part of the program to promote the federal project "Professionality" in the Stavropol Territory, in accordance with the plan for conducting career guidance activities aimed at popularizing the FP "Professionality" and supporting the admission campaign of the FP "Professionality" program in the Stavropol Territory, a "Vocational Guidance Class Hour" was held for schoolchildren 7-11 grades.
International competition of scientific and educational essays for students and students of educational institutions
The competition of scientific essays for students (SVE and HE, master's, postgraduate, residency, internship, assistantship), students of educational institutions is held according to the levels of education, directions and nominations. According to the working curricula of the educational program, one of the elements of training within individual disciplines is writing an essay. The abstract is a separate type of educational activity - a form of research, project work of the student. An educational essay is one of the types of student's independent work aimed at in-depth study and expansion of knowledge in a particular discipline and topic, as well as training in working with literature and information.
Training "Dream profession is closer than you think" for FSF students
As part of the implementation of the plan for conducting career guidance activities aimed at promoting the FP "Professionality" and supporting the admission campaign 2022 for the programs of the FP "Professionality" in the Stavropol Territory, a training event "Dream profession is closer than you think" was held at the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education in SSAU.
Career guidance introductory lecture "The way up the career ladder"
As part of the program to promote the federal project "Professionality" in the Stavropol Territory for schoolchildren in grades 7-11, a career guidance introductory lecture "The path along the career ladder" was held.
Health Day for schoolchildren
Children are our future. And in order for our future to be healthy, it is necessary to instill in children the skills of a healthy lifestyle from an early age, to instill in them a caring attitude towards their own health, and teach them to play sports.

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