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The victory of a student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists
The victory of a student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists
Four students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became the owners of grant funds from the Innovation Promotion Foundation
More than 1000 applications were submitted for the competition. The best innovative ideas received a grant of 1 million rubles. The main goal of the competition is to make universities a place to launch startups, to stimulate youth entrepreneurship in the country. In addition to grants, start-up entrepreneurs were also able to receive support in the form of an annual academic leave, which they can spend on developing a business idea. At the same time, the project can be implemented both alone and in a team.
Gathering of student production teams
Schoolchildren from rural and urban districts of the Stavropol Territory became participants in the 54th meeting of student production teams. There are 260 active, success-oriented guys in total. In two days, schoolchildren showed themselves in 10 competitions: "Foreman", "Plant grower", "Horticultural grower", "Forest grower", "Landscape designer", "Ecologist", "Inventor and innovator", "Mechanic", "Technologist-livestock breeder" , "Veterinarian". Many participants come to the rally for several years. The children participate in competitions, study important disciplines, which are so necessary in everyday rural life.
Meeting of high school and university students with participants and experts of the regional championship "Abilimpics"
The regional championship "Abilimpics" is included in the national project "Education", in the federal project "Young Professionals". Abilympics helps participants demonstrate their professional skills, exchange experiences, motivates citizens with disabilities to receive professional education, and increases their employment rate. The meeting was held as part of the implementation of the federal project Professionalism.
Field meeting of the "School of a young agronomist" in the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian FSAC (Federal Scientific Agricultural Center)"
The “School of a Young Agronomist” was established in October 2021 at the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education as part of the implementation of the Priority 2030 program. The goal of the school is to form the integration of the university with the FSBSI "North Caucasian FSAC", aimed at developing students' meta-subject universal educational activities, the ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice and the organization of real scientific research in the field of agronomy.
Students of the Faculty of Economics defended their graduation theses in English
In the modern world, a qualified economist must follow the socio-economic processes in different countries, continuously improve and be a little ahead of everyone. And for this, one of the main tools is knowledge of foreign languages, based on it the ability to build professional communication, to convey their developments and research results to foreign colleagues, most of whom communicate in English. Such competencies are needed not only in large companies and organizations, but also wherever there is a place for business.
Students of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of SSAU have an internship at the Gvardiya pig farm
The AGRICO Group of Companies and the Stavropol State Agrarian University have warm friendly relations and long-term cooperation. FSF students got the opportunity to do an internship at the leading pig farm in the Stavropol Territory - Gvardiya LLC, located in the village Shturm in the Krasnogvardeisky municipal district and part of the Group of Companies.
Rewarding activists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in honor of Youth Day
The solemn ceremony of awarding the most active youth of Stavropol took place in the city administration.
How can Russian agricultural universities change their approaches to scientific and educational activities in order to provide the country with qualified personnel and breakthrough technologies?
These issues were the main topics of discussion at the All-Russian seminar-meeting of vice-rectors on scientific work of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture, which was held last week in Ufa. From Stavropol Alexei Bobryshev, the pro-rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, took part in it. He shared with his colleagues his experience in transforming the scientific and innovation policy of the university.
About half a thousand schoolchildren received their first vocational education document at StSAU
On June 30 the Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a graduation ceremony for the second generation of graduates from the "First Profession of a Schoolchild in the Stavropol Territory" project, which is being implemented as part of the national project "Education". 475 schoolchildren from 11 municipalities of the region got the professions they needed.
VIII Annual All-Russian Contest of Scientific Works "Financial Market Instruments for Agroindustrial Complex of the Region"
Stavropol State Agrarian University summed up the VIII All-Russian competition of scientific works on the best author's research in the field of financial market "Financial market instruments for the agroindustrial complex of the region". The organizers of the competition were: the chair "Finance, credit and insurance business" of FSBEI HE "Stavropol State Agrarian University" together with FSBEI HE "Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov" with the assistance of LLC "FINAM-Stavropol" and a branch of PJSC IC "Rosgosstrakh" in the Stavropol region.
Laboratory-practical classes on "Organization and functioning of collective farms" as part of the project "Farmer's School”
"Farmer's School" is a federal project aimed at increasing professionalism in the agricultural sector. In Stavropol Territory the fifth stage of the project is already underway. It is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai, the regional branch of Rosselkhozbank and Stavropol State Agrarian University. Practical and theoretical classes are held on the basis of the university. The best teachers, professors and doctors of sciences reveal to the students the intricacies of agriculture.
Students of StSAU took part in the International Project  " Unconquered"
The international project "Unconquered" united 6,000 young people from 13 countries. Among them were students of Stavropol State Agrarian University. The patriotic journey lasted 11 days. The campaign was implemented by the International Lomonosov Club with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund, the Federal Agency for Nationalities, and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
First All-Russian Youth Forum "SHUM"
Forum participants were 500 young creators, photographers, copywriters, media people, designers, bloggers from 77 regions of the country, and the speakers, curators and experts of the forum were more than 50 specialists in their fields. Together with the project team a student from the Stavropol State Agrarian University prepared a trial version of a video podcast series to popularize Rosmolodezh's activities among the country's younger generation. The forum was held in Kaliningrad.
Stavropol State Agrarian University prepares high school students in advance to enter the labor market
How do you get a high-paying and interesting job? Does a good education alone guarantee it? Or do we need additional competences in addition to education? On June 23, the Stavropol State Agrarian University talked about this with students in classes 7-11.
Regional competition of intelligence, sports and creativity "Miss and Mister Student of the Stavropol Territory”
In Stavropol the competition of intelligence, sports and creativity "Miss and Mister Student of the Stavropol Territory" ended. It has been held in the region since 2004. It was founded by the Stavropol Youth Union. Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University traditionally take part in the contest.
Faculties and research centers of SSAU reported on the interim results of the implementation of the program “Agroinnopolis – 2030”
On June 24, those responsible for the implementation of strategic projects and initiatives of the University Development Program “Agroinnopolis – 2030” provided SSAU Academic Council with an interim report on the main results of the implementation of the activities planned in the roadmap. What are the results of the first year of work? What else needs to be improved? What are the challenges to be addressed in the near future?
The expert discussed with students the development of technologies and new opportunities of the banking system
A lecture organized by Sberbank was held on the basis of the ABC of Money Business School of the SmartAgro Youth Technopark of Stavropol State Agrarian University. The university and the bank have long-term warm friendly relations. Many students and graduates work in their specialty in different branches of the bank, occupy leading positions.
Stavropol State Agrarian University is the leader among Russian agricultural universities in the national university ranking for 2022
The independent news agency Interfax has presented the 13th annual National University Ranking (NRU) for 2022.
According to the results of the National University Ranking, Stavropol State Agrarian University confidently takes the 1st place (for the seventh time in a row!) Among the country's agricultural universities. In total, 358 higher educational institutions of Russia participated in the ranking in 2022.
Career guidance class hour
Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a “Vocational Guidance Class Hour” for schoolchildren in grades 7-11. Future students were taught professions that can be studied at the university, including agronomy, operation and repair of agricultural machinery and equipment, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry.

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