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Official information

Award for the Professor of Stavropol State University
The medal "For Services to the city of Stavropol" is a recognition of services to the city of Stavropol and its residents in activities aimed at the benefit of the city, ensuring its well-being and prosperity. The medal is awarded to residents of the city of Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory, including for generally recognized, widely known achievements and merits in the field of economics and construction, housing and communal services and the social sphere, and other areas of labor activity.
Internship of students of the "Farmer's School" project at the sites of integrator companies
"Farmer's School" is a federal project aimed at increasing professionalism in the agro-industrial complex. The project is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, the regional branch of the Rosselkhoznadzor and the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The training of the fourth stream takes place in several directions.
Graduation from the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture 2022
For several days, graduation ceremonies were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University to honour the graduates of the year 2022. In addition to congratulations from the rector's office and the faculty, the graduates heard warm words of encouragement from the city of Stavropol, representatives of ministries and the university's strategic partners. Traditionally, distinguished graduates of the faculties passed the banner of the University to a new generation of future graduates.
Graduation from the Electricity Faculty 2022
For several days, graduation ceremonies were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University to honour the graduates of the year 2022. In addition to congratulations from the rector's office and the faculty, the graduates heard warm words of encouragement from the city of Stavropol, representatives of ministries and the university's strategic partners. Traditionally, distinguished graduates of the faculties passed the banner of the University to a new generation of future graduates.
Future winemakers and technologists visit an old wine estate in Minvody
As part of their practical training, students of fermentation and winemaking technology visited the Batrak family, which used to revive the production of high quality wines from their own grapes of various varieties.
Seminar "Agribusiness exports in the Russian Federation: sources of growth"
Moscow State Institute of International Relations together with the Federal Centre for Agroexport and Stavropol State Agrarian University holds a series of seminars titled "Exports of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation subjects: sources of growth". The event was held within the framework of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations strategic project "Institute for Global Agrarian Markets" of the state programme "Priority 2030" to support Russian universities. The event is dedicated to the development of the agro-export potential of the agro-industrial complex of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the study of approaches to identifying promising export products and target country areas for their implementation, identifying strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the development of the export of agribusiness products of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the formulation of effective managerial recommendations for the development of export of agribusiness products.
Medal "For contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of education and scientific and technological development" awarded teacher and mentor of SSAU
Medal "For contribution to implementation of state policy in the field of education and scientific and technological development" was awarded to teacher and mentor of SSAU, Rector of Russian State Agrarian Academy of Agriculture named after K.A. Timiryazev, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the RF, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RF, Honored worker of agricultural sector of Russia, Honored citizen of Stavropol region, Heroes of Russia.
VIII All-Russian Congress of Financial Education Volunteers
The Association for the Development of Financial Literacy (AВFL), with the support of the Bank of Russia, is holding the VIII All-Russian Congress of Financial Education Volunteers online. Students at the "ABC of Money" business school of the SmartAgro Youth Technopark of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in a discussion of relevant topics raised by speakers at the congress.
Graduation from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 2022
For several days, graduation ceremonies were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University to honour the graduates of the year 2022. In addition to congratulations from the rector's office and the faculty, the graduates heard warm words of encouragement from the city of Stavropol, representatives of ministries and the university's strategic partners. Traditionally, distinguished graduates of the faculties passed the banner of the University to a new generation of future graduates.
Victories of the «Kolos» sports club activists
Stavropol hosted judo competitions as part of the 8th All-Russian Summer Universiade. Over 200 judokas from 25 Russian universities represented 20 regions of the country and competed for medals of the Universiade-2022. Men's and women's judoists competed for medals in seven weight categories.
Graduation from the Faculty of Economics 2022
For several days, graduation ceremonies were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University to honour the graduates of the year 2022. In addition to congratulations from the rector's office and the faculty, the graduates heard warm words of encouragement from the city of Stavropol, representatives of ministries and the university's strategic partners. Traditionally, distinguished graduates of the faculties passed the banner of the University to a new generation of future graduates.
Stavropol State Agrarian University has graduated more than 1,000 professionals into adult professional life
Graduation parties for full-time students were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University. In its 90-year history, Stavropol State Agrarian University has graduated thousands of top-class specialists. Every summer, real professionals emerge from the university ready to change history.
Project «Professionalism» Ambassador Training Course
It is planned that the students who become Professional Ambassadors will form a team under the supervision of an experienced mentor. Their task will be to give talks, during which participants will be able to convey the values and merits of the new educational programmes to schoolchildren. The assessment team will be trained according to a system that includes creative assignments, exercises for the development of media literacy. In addition, the children will be able to develop their leadership potential and take part in the preparation of an interactive class hour "Professionalism: you are in good company!
Graduation from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology 2022
For several days, graduation ceremonies were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University for the graduates of the year 2022. In addition to congratulations from the rector's office and the faculty, the graduates heard warm words of encouragement from the city of Stavropol, representatives of ministries and the university's strategic partners. Traditionally, distinguished graduates of the faculties passed the banner of the University to a new generation of future graduates.
Graduation from Secondary Vocational Education Faculty 2022
For several days, graduation ceremonies were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University for the graduates of the year 2022. In addition to congratulations from the rector's office and the faculty, the graduates heard warm words of encouragement from the city of Stavropol, representatives of ministries and the university's strategic partners. Traditionally, distinguished graduates of the faculties passed the banner of the University to a new generation of future graduates.
Graduation from the Faculty of Social and Cultural Services and Tourism 2022
For several days, graduation ceremonies were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University for the graduates of the year 2022. In addition to congratulations from the rector's office and the faculty, the graduates heard warm words of encouragement from the city of Stavropol, representatives of ministries and the university's strategic partners. Traditionally, distinguished graduates of the faculties passed the banner of the University to a new generation of future graduates.
Graduation from the Faculty of Accounting and Finance 2022
For several days, graduation ceremonies were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University for the graduates of the year 2022. In addition to congratulations from the rector's office and the faculty, the graduates heard warm words of encouragement from the city of Stavropol, representatives of ministries and the university's strategic partners. Traditionally, distinguished graduates of the faculties passed the banner of the University to a new generation of future graduates.
Scientific and production conference dedicated to the anniversary of the graduation of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 1977
Stavropol State Agrarian University over the course of its 90-year history has produced thousands of high-level specialists from its walls, who occupy high positions and make a significant contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex not only in Stavropol, but also in Russia. Among the graduates of the university are world-famous scientists, researchers and innovators. Years later, graduates happily return to the walls of their native alma mater, recall their student years, share their experience with current students, and talk about their professional victories.
Demo exams within the competence of R41 "Accounting" according to Worldskills Russia standards
Teachers of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of SSAU on the basis of the Advanced Professional Training Center conducted demonstration exams on the competence of R41 "Accounting" according to Worldskills Russia standards. The first to take the demonstration exam as part of the state final certification were students of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University specialty 38.02.01 Economics and Accounting (by industry). To conduct a demonstration exam, according to the rules of its conduct, third-party experts were invited, who noted the high level of training of students. All students successfully completed the tasks of the exam.
International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the long field experience of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev
Leading scientists from 11 countries gathered at the PhosAgro Educational Center at the Timiryazev Academy to discuss the scientific heritage and development prospects of the Long Field Experience established 110 years ago. The grand opening of the International Scientific and Practical Conference took place in the field with the participation of scientists and students of the Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology. Then the conference was held in a mixed format, some of the speakers spoke online. Including scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

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