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Official information

"State and Municipal Management" direction of the Faculty of Economics was included in the list of the best universities.
Interfax has published a list of the best universities in the country in the field of training "State and Municipal Administration". The rating includes the Faculty of Economics of Stavropol State Agrarian University. In total, 50 Russian universities implementing this educational program entered the TOP. According to the Interfax research, the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the only university subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, was included in the list of the top 20 educational institutions in the direction of "State and Municipal Administration".
Federal experts gathered in Stavropol State University to discuss the program for the development of secondary vocational education in the region until 2030
Personnel training in the North Caucasus Federal District under the conditions of sanctions and accelerated import substitution will be conducted under the new system.
The management of the Veterinary Department of the Stavropol Territory met with students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University
On the basis of the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, a meeting of students with the leadership of the Veterinary Department of the Stavropol Territory was held. The powers of veterinary departments include the organization of the implementation of measures on the territory of the region to ensure the epizootic and veterinary-sanitary well-being of the region; control and coordination of the activities of institutions subordinate to the regional executive body of the state authority of the region in the field of veterinary medicine and much more.
Investor's School for students of SSAU continues its work
As part of the work of the Investor School, a master class for novice brokers "Secrets of successful investment in the stock market under sanctions" was held at the Accounting and Finance Faculty. At the end of February, the Bank of Russia suspended trading on the Moscow Stock Exchange in order to support the stock market and avoid sharp price fluctuations of Russian securities "at a time of unprecedented changes in the economic situation." After a long break, trading on the stock market of the Moscow Stock Exchange was resumed: first, operations with OFZ became available, after a while trading in shares of Russian companies started — index, and then the entire list.
 II Interregional tourist hackathon of the NCFD "HackGround"
The second Interregional tourist Hackathon of the NCFD "HackGround" was held on the basis of the North Caucasus Federal University. "HackGround" is a case–solving marathon designed to stimulate the emergence of new ideas in the field of tourism infrastructure transformation in the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District, as well as to form the skills of participants in the development and implementation of projects, including in the field of IT and startups.
Congratulations to the winners of the contests within the framework of the ecological and educational project "Let's Preserve the Nature of our Native Land"
On the basis of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Stavropol Territory, an award ceremony was held for the winners of the ecological and educational project of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium "Let's preserve the nature of our Native Land" on the territory of the Stavropol Territory. The project "Let's preserve the nature of our Native Land–2021" was launched in the Stavropol Territory in April and took place taking into account epidemiological restrictions. The theme of the 2021 project for Stavropol was not chosen by chance.
Scientific regiment of SSAU
Stavropol State Agrarian University has joined the All-Russian campaign "Scientific Regiment", which is carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
A public defense of the educational programs of the winners-recipients on the federal grant project "Professionalism"
The federal project "Professionalism" on the state program "Development of Education" is aimed at creating a new system of training middle-level personnel for enterprises of the real sector of the economy.
Today, May 14, 2022, Nikolai Vladimirovich Bugaychenko, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, an outstanding person, a true supporter of agricultural education, science and labor, turned 100 years old.
The staff and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University cordially congratulate Nikolai Vladimirovich Bugaichenko on a wonderful holiday - his 100th birthday! Warm and joyful memories, sincere love and care of relatives, great respect and well-being, kindness of soul and happiness, true health and excellent health!
On the day of the 100th anniversary of Nikolai Vladimirovich Bugaichenko, a delegation from his native university headed by Acting Rector Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin visited
The leadership of the university and the staff of the department, where Nikolai Vladimirovich worked for 33 years, congratulated the hero of the day from the bottom of their hearts.
Scientific regiment of SSAU
Stavropol State Agrarian University has joined the All-Russian campaign "Scientific Regiment", which is carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. .<br />
"Scientific Regiment" is a series of publications about students and teachers, about scientists who, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, brought the Victory closer with their military and labor feat.<br />
The main goal of the project is the patriotic education of young people and the preservation of the memory of the Great Victory. Thousands of students, teachers, workers and employees of institutes volunteered to go to the front. Their memory must live on!<br />
Scientific regiment of SSAU
Stavropol State Agrarian University has joined the All-Russian campaign "Scientific Regiment", which is carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. <br />
"Scientific Regiment" is a series of publications about students and teachers, about scientists who, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, brought the Victory closer with their military and labor feat.<br />
The main goal of the project is the patriotic education of young people and the preservation of the memory of the Great Victory. Thousands of students, teachers, workers and employees of institutes volunteered to go to the front. Their memory must live on!<br />
Scientific regiment of SSAU
Stavropol State Agrarian University has joined the All-Russian campaign "Scientific Regiment", which is carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. <br />
"Scientific Regiment" is a series of publications about students and teachers, about scientists who, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, brought the Victory closer with their military and labor feat.<br />
The main goal of the project is the patriotic education of young people and the preservation of the memory of the Great Victory. Thousands of students, teachers, workers and employees of institutes volunteered to go to the front. Their memory must live on!<br />
Scientific regiment of SSAU
Stavropol State Agrarian University has joined the All-Russian campaign "Scientific Regiment", which is carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.<br />
«The Scientific Regiment is a series of publications about students and teachers, about scientists who, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, brought the Victory closer with their military and labor feat.<br />
The main goal of the project is the patriotic education of young people and the preservation of the memory of the Great Victory. Thousands of students, teachers, workers and employees of institutes volunteered to go to the front. Their memory must live on!<br />
Tourist trip to Arkhyz to the places of military glory of the Great Patriotic War
The fighters of the military sports club "Rassvet" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University passed a memorable route in the mountains of Arkhyz to the places of hostilities for the passes of the Caucasus.
Patriotic concert at the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture
On the first Victory Day in 1945 there were no parades, no St. George ribbons, no carnations, no Immortal Regiment. All the people came out of their homes, embraced strangers, arranged feasts with songs and dances, and, of course, continued to wait for the return of the surviving soldiers. The whole celebration ended with a grand fireworks display in Moscow. In memory of the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War, a concert was held at the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture.
The leadership of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the discussion of the updated Strategy for the development of the agro-industrial and fishery complexes of Russia until 2030
Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the State Council, to adjust the current Strategy for the development of the country's agro-industrial and fishery complexes for the period up to 2030. Work in these areas is being carried out throughout the country, including in the Stavropol Territory.
Round table "Spiritual continuity is the key to Victory"
The Museum and Exhibition Complex “My Country. My History” a round table “Spiritual Continuity is a Guarantee of Victory” took place. The XI International St. Ignatius Readings are organized by the Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk Diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Student of SSAU - Champion of regional kickboxing competitions
In Nevinnomyssk, open regional kickboxing competitions for the Victory Cup were held. More than 350 athletes from different parts of Russia fought for the title of champions in different weight categories.
Anniversary XV International Biotechnology Forum "RosBioTech"
Forum “Innovative biotechnologies in medicine, industry and agriculture. International Scientific and Technical Cooperation as a Basis for Sustainable Development of the Economy” was held at the Congress Center of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The event was held with the participation and support of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministries of the Russian Federation, government agencies and public organizations, as well as with the assistance of the Russian-Chinese Friendship Society and the Russian-Chinese Chamber.

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