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Official information

SSAU students took part in the World Donor Day
Every year on April 20, since 2007, Russia celebrates National Donor Day. Students of the faculty of secondary vocational education could not pass by. Anyone who has reached the age of 18 and does not have chronic diseases can become a blood donor. Before donating blood, the donor undergoes a medical examination by the staff of the blood transfusion station. After passing all the necessary checks with specialists, the students donated blood.
An event dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was held for SSAU students
On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, the museum of the history of Stavropol State Agrarian University began conducting excursions “SSAU during the Great Patriotic War”.
The victory of students of the Faculty of Finance in the Interregional Student Olympiad on taxes and taxation
The Interregional Olympiad on taxes and taxation was held on the basis of North Caucasian Federal University. The students of the leading universities of the Stavropol Territory and the Chechen Republic took part in the Olympiad. The competitive process consisted of two stages.
Seminar “Ensuring security in the insurance sector”
Ensuring economic security in the insurance sector is extremely relevant and necessary from a practical point of view. Many insurance companies have security services. The purpose of their activity is to ensure the security of insurance companies, prevent the leakage of commercial and confidential information, identify and timely prevent possible infringements on the legitimate rights and interests of the insurance company, and help the company’s managers in making certain decisions.
Master class: “Digital platforms of the insurance company”
As part of the work of the Student Insurance Agency, a master class was held on the basis of the educational and practical laboratory “Insurance Shop”: “Digital platforms of an insurance company”, in which students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty took part. The initiators of the master class were teachers of the department “Finance, Credit and Insurance Business”.
Start of the Regional Patriotic Action “Steppe Landing of Russian Student Teams”
Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a solemn ceremony of launching the regional patriotic action “Steppe landing of Russian Student Teams”, the regional stage of the All-Russian patriotic action “Snow landing of Russian Student Teams”. Student groups of SSAU did not stand aside.
“School of Manager” started its work at the Faculty of Economics
The first lesson was held within the framework of the project of the Department of Management and Management Technologies “Manager's School”, the main goal of the project is to introduce students of the 11th grade of the gymnasium No. 25 of Stavropol to the profession of a manager.
Student Volunteers Help Animal Shelter
Volunteer team “Flame” of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education visited the animal shelter “Best Friend”. The students brought treats for the shelter’s pets, and then walked the dogs in the Taman forest, giving them a piece of affection and warmth, which homeless animals lack so much.
Conference “What does it mean to be a patriot?” dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War
An interesting discussion took place on a very topical and frequently raised problem of patriotism, which causes a wide range of opinions in Russian society and among students. The conference was attended by teachers and students of the accounting and financial faculty, the faculty of secondary vocational education and the faculty of agrobiology and land resources.
Inter-faculty tournament on financial literacy “Money does not buy happiness”
The annual inter-faculty tournament on financial literacy “Money can’t buy happiness” for students of Stavropol State Agrarian University was held at the Business School “ABC of Money” of the Youth Technopark “FoodNet” of Stavropol State Agrarian University. The event was held as part of the regional program “Improving the level of financial literacy of the population of the Stavropol Territory and developing financial education in the Stavropol Territory for 2020-2023” was organized by the Financier.
XXX Moscow International Veterinary Congress
The work of the congress was held in 12 conference halls in 32 specialized sections. During the implementation of the program, 322 lecturers delivered 330 thematic reports discussing the most pressing issues in the field of veterinary medicine, as well as 7 practical master classes with demonstrations of modern achievements in science and practice.
Discussion in the professional community to increase the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market
Particular attention was paid to the problems of increasing the flexibility of educational programs to meet the needs of the economy, which is now being transformed at a very high pace. Such discussions help create conditions for students to master professional competencies, deepen the practical orientation of training, and increase the level of competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.
Round table dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War
Very soon - on May 9, our country will celebrate the Great Holiday - the Holiday of Life, the peaceful sky overhead, the Holiday of Memory and Sorrow, the sad and solemn Victory Day. On the eve of Victory Day, students and teachers of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance took part in a round table dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War “How far he was from us...”.
X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Aspects of Service and Tourism Development”
X International scientific and practical conference on the topic “Innovative aspects of the development of service and tourism”. To date, the annual international conference has attracted such countries as Russia, China, Hungary, the Republic of Serbia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. The total number of participants in the plenary session of the conference is 31, as well as the number of articles for publication in the collection is 20.
Participation of lecturers of the Accounting and Finance Faculty in international scientific activities
Lecturers of the department “Accounting” took part in the work of the section “Accounting” of the student and teaching international scientific and practical conferences organized by the university-strategic partner Grodno State Agrarian University (Republic of Belarus). Holding such events expands the horizons of scientific knowledge, allows discussing pressing problems, determining ways to solve them, exchanging experience with colleagues, and reporting the results of one's own research.
Open lessons as part of the Pedagogical Debut 2022 competition
As part of the Pedagogical Debut 2022 competition, the Open Lesson competitive test was held, in which young teachers demonstrated their professional skills in class.
The course of lectures on rural areas from Ana Burgos, a professor from Mexico, has ended
Ana Laura Burgos Tornado is Professor at the Center for Environmental Geography Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She has studied rural development in the Stavropol Territory and has also lectured to the public.
Plenary session on the direction “Animal Genomics and Biotechnology”
A plenary meeting (panel discussion) was held at the Boiling Point of Stavropol State Agrarian University as part of the implementation of the draft development program “AGROINNOPOLIS-2030” in the direction of “Animal Genomics and Biotechnology” of the 87th Scientific and Practical Conference “Agrarian Science for the North Caucasus Federal District”.
The educational project “Farmer’s School” announces a students’ enrollment
The Farmer’s School is a federal project aimed at increasing professionalism in the agro-industrial complex.
Unified open day of the federal project "Professionality" was held in Stavropol State Agrarian University and at the enterprises participating in the project
It was attended by representatives of the university, the Ministry of Education of the region, agricultural enterprises, schoolchildren, their parents and teachers.

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