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Official information

Business game "Thinking about retirement is never too early"
In the framework of cooperation with the Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Stavropol Territory, the teachers of the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance Business organized an on-site practical orientation lesson for students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance. During the game, the guys were divided into three teams. Traditionally, the first competition was puzzles, in which concepts related to the pension system were encrypted. Next, the children were asked to recall the history of the development of the pension system in Russia and correlate historical events with their dates.
Cooperative effort of scientists from Stavropol State Agrarian University and Voronezh State University
The Moscow publishing house "KnoRus" published a textbook "Public institutions: planning, accounting, analysis and control." The publication was prepared by a team of authors from the Stavropol State Agrarian University and Voronezh State University. The textbook will be used in budgetary educational institutions.
Closing of the XXI All-Russian football tournament dedicated to the memory of the Hero of Russia Vladislav Dukhin
The final of the XXI All-Russian football tournament dedicated to the memory of the Hero of Russia Vladislav Duhin took place at the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The tournament was attended by the best teams from 11 constituent entities of the North Caucasian and Southern federal districts.
Seminar "Environmental Volunteering" brought together eco-activists at one site
To exchange experience and improve environmental knowledge, students of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, volunteers of the "Ecologist" detachment were invited by the Stavropol College of Economics and Law to the seminar "Environmental Volunteering".
Round table "Modern patriotism in the mirror of global geopolitics"
The All-Russian public movement "National Front" together with the department for educational work of the Stavropol State Agrarian University organized a round table for students of the accounting and financial faculty and the faculty of secondary vocational education on the topic "Modern patriotism in the mirror of global geopolitics."
The scientific team of the Faculty of Economics of the Stavropol State Agrarian University will continue to work within the framework of a grant project with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 27, 1992 No. 426 "On Urgent Measures to Preserve the Scientific and Technical Potential of the Russian Federation".
Prospects for the development of an innovative direction in embryology - transplantation of cattle embryos on the basis of a new embryology laboratory
The faculties of veterinary medicine and biotechnology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University discussed the prospects for the development of innovative work in the field of embryology and transplantation of bovine embryos with the participation of leading industrial partners: LLC “Agroalliance Invest” (Stavropol Territory) and LLC SIE “Generius” (St. Petersburg). The work is carried out as part of the implementation of the program “Priority - 2030”.
I International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists
The conference is organized by the International University "IILSR". International University "IILSR" today is a modern and dynamically developing university that trains specialists in the field of economics, management, law, information technology and linguistics. The cooperation agreement between the Stavropol State Agrarian University and IILSR was signed in January of this year.
Post-graduate student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became the chairman of the youth parliament of the Stavropol Territory
The youth parliament under the Duma of the Stavropol Territory is an advisory and advisory body that operates on a voluntary basis. In its activities, the Youth Parliament is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of the Stavropol Territory, these regulations and the regulations of the youth parliament.
In the Stavropol State Agrarian University, a meeting was held between the leadership and the activists of the university with the delegation of the Stavropol State Medical University
The parties agreed to intensify cooperation in educational, scientific, innovative and other areas of activity.
Issues of studying the conditions and opportunities for achieving sustainable economic growth were discussed at the Stavropol State Agrarian University
Members of the consortium and participants of the strategic academic leadership program Priority 2030, represented by scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University and the Kuban State Agrarian University. The conference was held on the basis of the Interregional Resource Center for the Development of Rural and Specially Protected Ecological Resort Territories of the Stavropol Territory and the North Caucasus Federal District.
UN Peace Ambassador addressed students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Svetlana Khisamutdinova - UN Ambassador of Peace, PhD in Pedagogy, poetess, master of sports in speed skating, corresponding member of the International Academy of Ecology and Nature Management, four-time winner of the 24-hour race in Basel (Switzerland), participant and winner of nineteen multi-day races in the USA . In 2001, in a sixteen-day run, she covered 1600 km.
Preventive work with underage students
For students of 1-4 courses of the faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, a lecture was held on “Prevention of the use of psychoactive substances”, as well as “Russia. A lesson in sobriety”, which revealed the topic of the harm of using vapes, hookahs, electronic cigarettes. After the lecture, a screening of the film “Drugs. Secrets of manipulation.
Participation of students in the All-Russian competition on the information system 1C: ITS 2022
The All-Russian competition on the information system is aimed at popularizing among young people and educational institutions the professional information system 1C: ITS - a modern resource created specifically for those who already work and who will work with 1C: Enterprise programs. The 1C:ITS information system contains ready-made solutions and step-by-step instructions for working in the program, recommendations on accounting, personnel and tax accounting, as well as answers to real questions related to doing business. Together with it, the young specialist will be in the context of all issues related to the practice of accounting, taxation, law and information technology.
Activists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University told about grant programs to viewers of regional television
The live broadcast of the TV program "Useful Program" on the regional TV channel "Svoe TV" was visited by representatives of SSAU. As part of the program, grant opportunities for young people were discussed.
Closing of the third stream of the "Farmer's School" project
The "Farmer's School" was created to support start-ups and existing entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector. In Stavropol, the project is being implemented by the regional branch of "Rosselkhozbank" JSC, the regional Ministry of Agriculture and the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Classes were held on the basis of the university, and students honed their practical skills at the sites of the School's partners - large agricultural enterprises of the North Caucasus Federal District.
A cycle of events for the patriotic education of students
The Scientific Library of the Stavropol State Agrarian University is hosting a series of events for the patriotic education of students in preparation for the celebration of the 77th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The exhibition "I am a citizen of Russia" is set up in the lobby of the library. The exposition of the exhibition consisted of books, journal articles, publications of scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University of a patriotic orientation.
The victory of the professor of SSAU in the IV International research competition "Best scientific paper 2022"
"Best Research Paper 2022" is a prestigious research competition created to promote the effective development of science and innovation. Organizer: International Center for Scientific Cooperation "Science and Education". The purpose of the competition is to promote the integration of Russian science into the world scientific information space, dissemination of scientific and practical achievements in various fields of science, support for high standards of publications, as well as approbation of the results of scientific and practical activities.
Creative meeting "Start with a word" with a famous poet
The meeting was held on the eve of Poetry Day. The meeting was prepared and held by the Stavropol Literary Center and the department for educational work and social issues of the university. Ekaterina Petrovna Poluminskaya - member of the Writers' Union of Russia, winner of the "White List" poetry competition on Russian radio, participant in the 1st and 2nd Forums of Young Writers of Russia in Moscow, Diploma winner of the All-Russian Competition - "Victor Rozov's Crystal Rose" Award, head of grant projects implemented in the Stavropol region in the field of culture, author of books of poetry and prose, compiler and editor of collective collections of poetry and prose.
The final stage of the Regional track of the All-Russian competition of scientific and technological projects "Big Challenges"
Stavropol hosted the full-time final stage of the Regional track (competition) of the All-Russian competition of scientific and technological projects "Big Challenges". 73 children from Stavropol, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Izobilny, Neftekumsk, Nevinnomyssk, as well as Krasnogvardeisky, Kirovsky, Apanasenkovsky, Levokumsky, Ipatovsky, Kursk, Sovetsky, Shpakovsky, Budennovsky, Turkmensky, Georgievsky , Blagodarnensky, Trunovsky, Petrovsky, Mineralovodsky municipalities of the Stavropol Territory were invited to fight for the right to be called the best of the best in 8 areas of the competition.

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