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International Symposium “Soil Health. Main indicators and evaluation criteria”
Employees of the Department of Soil Science named after professor V.I. Tyulpanov, as part of the events dedicated to the Day of Russian Science, held an International Symposium on the topical and actively developing direction of agriculture "Soil Health". The event was held jointly with scientists from the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.
According to the results of the Global Aggregate Ranking 2022, Stavropol State Agrarian University belongs to the TOP10% of the best universities in the world
The Global Aggregate Ranking is a classification of higher education institutions ranked by 12 rankings and one public database. The source of information used for aggregation is the open data of the most popular ratings. In total, the rating includes 3382 higher educational institutions of the world, of which 128 are Russian universities. Stavropol State Agrarian University and Timiryazev Academy (Moscow) became the only universities subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture that were included in the aggregate rating.
Students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance learned the secrets of new financial technologies and products
For Science Day, Sberbank specialists have prepared a series of events for future financiers. The first topic that opened the series of events from Sber is dedicated to Fintech trends. Fintech stands for financial technologies. This phrase refers to any innovation in the field of financial services. In other words, everything that makes our relationship with money (and the services we receive for it!) easier, faster, more reliable and cheaper is from the field of fintech.
XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Agricultural Science, Creativity, Growth": Transformation and sustainable development of rural areas as the basis for ensuring food security
Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a plenary session of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Agrarian Science, Creativity, Growth": Transformation and sustainable development of rural areas as the basis for ensuring food security, which is held jointly by the faculties of accounting and finance, agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture.
Regional qualifying stage of the All-Russian competition of scientific works for the best author's research in the field of the financial market "Financial market instruments for the agro-industrial complex of the region"
Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the Regional qualifying stage of the All-Russian competition of scientific works for the best author's research in the field of the financial market "Financial market instruments for the region's agro-industrial complex". The participants of the competition discussed a wide range of issues related to the development of the financial market and its significance for the region, shared their experience and development trends in this area.
Financial game at the Boiling Point of Stavropol State Agrarian University for students of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education
As part of the events dedicated to the Day of Russian Science, teachers of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education held a “Financial Game” on the basis of the Boiling Point of Stavropol State Agrarian University for students of the specialty “Land and Property Relations”. The game consisted of 2 rounds. The guys had to answer questions that related to the stock market, finance, banking products, money circulation and financial fraud.
The Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education chose its "Miss and Mister - 2022"
In the assembly hall of the new building, the show-competition "Miss and Mister of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education - 2022" was held, one of the most anticipated and exciting events at the university. Participation in this competition gives the guys the opportunity to show themselves and their talents, as well as discover new opportunities.
The week of science has started at the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education
On February 8, our country celebrates the Day of Russian Science. The holiday was established in 1999 by presidential decree to commemorate the 275th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Young scientists of the Faculty of Economics held a "Day of Science" at the Boiling Point of Stavropol State Agrarian University
As part of the week of science, young scientists of the Faculty of Economics organized and conducted a scientific and educational intensive #Javnauke, students of the Faculty of Economics from 1 to 3 courses took part in the event.
Interfaculty intellectual blitz tournament "What do I know about science"
Recent high school students, and now freshmen, tested their knowledge in various fields of activity, for example, in physics they remembered who authored the discovery of electricity, and who and when invented the first telegraph, or in which country real paper was first invented.
Participation of SSAU employees in the Forum of Farmers of the North Caucasus
As part of the Agro-Industrial Exhibition AgroKAVKAZ - 2022, a large-scale Forum of Farmers of the North Caucasus was held at the exhibition complex "MinvodyEXPO" in Mineralnye Vody.
Seminar "Developing the competence of editors in the preparation of scientific journals of international level"
The Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ANRI) held a face-to-face training seminar “Developing the Competences of Editors in the Preparation of International Scientific Journals” for editors of scientific journals with the issuance of standard certificates of advanced training and certificates of the ANRI.
Solemn awarding of environmental activists of the city of Stavropol
Throughout 2021, students of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture participated in environmental events at the level of the city, the Stavropol Territory and the Russian Federation. The Loft Youth Space hosted an award ceremony for eco-activists of the regional capital.
Field class for students of the faculties of veterinary medicine and biotechnology at production site
Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University conducted a field class at one of the best milk production enterprises in the region - in the agricultural company “Selo named after G.V. Kaishev" in the village of Suvorovskaya. Then students had a tour of the Pyatigorsk Dairy Plant, where raw materials are supplied from the dairy farm. Also during the trip, the opening of a new innovation laboratory was launched.
The beginning of the work of Stavropol State Agrarian University on an innovative laboratory at production site
As part of cooperation with Stavropol State Agrarian University, a new innovative laboratory is being organized at the Pyatigorsk Dairy Plant to develop functional dairy products of a new generation. The project was implemented as part of the implementation of the program of academic leadership "Priority 2030".
Victory of the men's basketball team "Kolos - SSAU" in the Championship of the Student Basketball Association of the "Caucasus" division.
Group games of the Student Basketball Association (SBA) of the "Caucasus" division took place in Essentuki. The strongest teams of the North Caucasus Federal District, including the men's team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University "Kolos-SSAU", are fighting for victory in the Championship.
Broker's Day: the results of the exchange game with students
Finance workers have professional holidays. Broker's Day is traditionally celebrated in Russia on January 31st. This date of the holiday was chosen because companies sum up the financial results of the year. For Russia, a broker in the stock market is a relatively new profession, since trading exchanges appeared in our country only in the early 90s of the 20th century. But do not forget that the first stock exchanges in our country appeared at the beginning of the 18th century by decree of Peter I.
SSAU students visited the exhibition "AgroKavkaz"
Students of the Faculty of Secondary Education, the direction "the operation and repair of agricultural machinery and equipment" visited the exhibition "AgroCaucasus". This is a large-scale event for agribusiness, where farmers from Stavropol and the North Caucasus republics communicate, get inspired and find suppliers, partners and useful contacts.
Agricultural scientists of RSAU-MAA and SSAU develop cooperation
Within the framework of the annual seminar “Readings of Academician V.N. Boltinsky, the delegation of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization took part in the opening ceremony of the first in Russia laboratory for the diagnosis of electric vehicles and an exhibition dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the Department of Agricultural Machines.
Ecoquiz for students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University
As part of the week of science, a student scientific ecoquiz was held at the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture. Ecoquiz is a team intellectual and entertaining game during which participants answer questions from the environmental sphere. This year's competition is timed to coincide with World Wetlands Day and aims to draw students' attention to the value of wetlands in supporting the sustainable development of our planet.

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