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International essay competition for students and pupils of educational institutions "My scientific research"
The purpose of the Competition is to comprehensively contribute to the development of cognitive activity of students and the formation of primary skills in scientific work. The Competition is attended by students of all directions and levels of education, students of schools whose work has passed the initial check by the organizing committee for the percentage of borrowings (no more than 25%).
Annual IV Olympiad in the framework of the discipline "World Economy and International Economic Relations"
The Olympiad consisted of two rounds: in the "Own-game" format and a visual task. During the event, three teams demonstrated their creative and intellectual abilities. The Olympiad was attended by students of the direction "Economics" of the Accounting and Finance Faculty and students of the Faculty of Economics, profile "World Economy".
"New Year's miracle" from the All-Russian People's Front and the Stavropol GAU happened in the Stavropol Territory
On the eve of the New Year holidays, activists of the All-Russian Popular Front (APF) in all 85 regions are conducting an all-Russian action "New Year's Miracle". Community activists visit medical and social institutions, families in difficult life situations and veterans to wish them a Happy New Year, organize festive performances with fairy-tale characters and give gifts.
Meeting of the working group of the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory
The Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory held a meeting of the working group for the preparation and implementation of measures to improve financial literacy in the region.
Membership in the "National Association of Turkey Producers”
At the Council meeting the reports on the situation with the registration of supporting veterinary documents, on the situation on the market of feed components for turkey production were heard and the results of the year were summarized. In addition, applications of a number of organizations to join the Association were considered. By unanimous decision of the Board of FGBOU VO "Stavropol State Agricultural University" was accepted as an associate member of the NAPI with the mission to train professionals for the industry.
On Monday (December, 27) the project analytical session "Cadres of agro-industrial complex of the North Caucasian Federal District: state, problems, experience of scientific analysis" will take place.
The project analytical session "Cadres of Agro-Caucasian Federal District: state, problems, experience of scientific analysis" will take place on the 27th of December, 2021 from 14.00 till 15.30. It is held by the Institute of Further Professional Education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University within the framework of the program of strategic academic leadership "Priority 2030" on the project "AGROCADR 2030 (hub of educational, digital and personnel technologies)".
Young Talent 2021
Awarding ceremony of the best creative teams and vocalists of Stavropol State Agrarian University "Young talents 2021" was held. Student youth of StSAU are thousands of socially active, creative, enterprising young men and women, who feel overburdened in university classrooms, so they join student squads, are social observers, are actively involved in science, project and volunteer work, work at the call of the heart in the agricultural organizations of the region.
Four scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University became winners of the contest for grants and scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation
The results of 2022 competitions for the right to receive grants and scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - postgraduates, candidates and doctors of science and leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation are summed up. Among the winners are four employees of Stavropol State Agrarian University.
Seminar of the Center for Organization and Support of Organic Poultry Production in the South of Russia for biotechnology students
In the reading room of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine the seminar "Center of the organization and support of organic poultry farming in the South of Russia" was fruitfully held in the full-time and remote formats with the technical support of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The workshop corresponds to the block "Animal Genomics and Biotechnology" of the strategic project "SMARTAGROBiotech-2030" of the program of the university development "Agroinopolis 2030".
Visit to the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of the delegation of representatives of the leading manufacturers of modern diesel engines among the CIS countries
A delegation of representatives of the leading manufacturers of modern diesel engines from the CIS countries visited the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization: in the person of Deputy General Director - Director of Product Quality and Technical Service of JSC "Holding Management Company "Minsk Motor Plant" - Ivan Mikhailovich Bakun and Director of Trade House "Minsk Motor Plant" - Sergey Ivanovich Gaitukevich.
Meeting with the employer of students of Stavropol State Agrarian University
Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University are in demand in the labor market from the second year. When future specialists begin to practice, many of them consider further employment in the company, and later become valuable employees. One of the companies that are strategic partners of the university is the Miratorg holding.
Student of Stavropol State Agrarian University is the winner of the All-Russian contest "Young Agroleaders of Russia".
Summing up and awarding of the winners of the All-Russian competition "Young Agro-leaders of Russia", aimed at unlocking the potential of students studying in educational institutions of higher education subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, was held in the online format. The organizers of the competition were K.A. Timiryazev Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Association of Educational Institutions of Agricultural and Fishery "Agroeducation".
All-Russian Scientific and Educational Forum "Festival of Law"
The VII All-Russian Scientific and Educational Forum "Festival of Law", devoted to the problems of development of law and legislation of Russia and foreign countries, was held within the walls of the North Caucasian Federal University. The aim of the forum was to develop scientific activity of students, postgraduate students and young scientists, attracting them to solving urgent problems of modern science, preserving and developing common scientific and educational space, establishing contacts between future colleagues.
Awarding the winners of the contest for the best work on election law and electoral process
The Government of the Stavropol Territory has awarded the winners of the contest for the best work on the electoral law and electoral process, raising the legal and political culture of the electoral process among young people of Stavropol Territory.
Annual awarding ceremony "The Gold of Fields".
Today in the Palace of culture and sports the annual award ceremony "Gold of Fields" took place. In a festive atmosphere before the New Year summed up the results of the outgoing year and handed out government awards.
Meeting of the Project Office of the Stavropol State Agrarian University
It was decided to continue the work on creation of entrepreneurial environment within the university and the creation of innovative ecosystem around it, the development of entrepreneurial education and the creation of innovative culture both within the university and in the region as a whole. One of the most important directions in 2022 will be the realization of the program of international cooperation on the invitation of leading scientists from foreign universities.
Awarding of outstanding members of the teaching staff of Stavropol State Agrarian University
Traditionally at the end of the calendar year the university management honors the best professors of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. This year more than 50 people got higher education institution, city, regional and national awards.
Scientific and practical foresight session with international participation "Innovation management and digital trends in agribusiness".
The scientific event was organized by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "N.V. Parakhin Orel State Agrarian University". Total at the online platform met more than 50 participants from Russian regions - Moscow, Voronezh, Orel, Stavropol, and neighboring countries - Comrat (Republic of Moldova), Almaty, Uralsk (Republic of Kazakhstan), Donetsk (Donetsk People's Republic), Gorki (Republic of Belarus).
Students of the Faculty of Higher Education are scholars of the Government of the Russian Federation
Scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation for students in educational programs of secondary vocational education is awarded to full-time students in programs corresponding to the priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy. The students who have shown high results in studies, scientific and social life are encouraged.
Online financial literacy class
As part of the Strategy for Improving Financial Literacy in the Russian Federation for 2017-2023, the Bank of Russia, together with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, from November 30 to December 16, held the IV All-Russian online test on financial literacy for the population and representatives of small and medium businesses.

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