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Official information

Employees of Stavropol State Agrarian University were awarded certificates of honor of the President of the Russian Federation
Certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation - for services in defending the Fatherland and ensuring the security of the state, strengthening the rule of law, protecting health and life, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, state building, economy, science, culture, art, education, sports, charitable activities and other services to the state.
All-Russian meeting of rectors of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia
In Moscow, the RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev hosted an all-Russian meeting of rectors of agrarian universities of Russia chaired by the Minister of Agriculture of Russia Dmitry Nikolaevich Patrushev. The system of modern agricultural education is 54 higher educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, where more than 300 thousand people are currently studying. This indicator confirms the demand for industry specialties.
 The KVN team "Those Same Guys" of Stavropol State Agrarian University for the first time in the history of the university became the winner of the KVN Premier League
The Cheerful and Resourceful Club (KVN) is the longest-running broadcast on the national television. Until 2021, the Premier League aired on Channel One and only this year became non-air, however, it retained the status of the main league, preparing the team for the games of the Higher League of KVN.
Working meeting of the management of Stavropol State Agrarian University and representatives of the companies Joel (RUS) and Tokyo Boeki (RUS)
Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a working meeting between the management of the university and the management of Japanese companies: JOEL (RUS) LLC, the official representative of the Japanese Electron-Optical Laboratory (JEOL) and a leading supplier of scientific equipment in Russia; and LLC TOKYO BOEKI (RUS), a company that deals with products and services in the fields of education and science, mechanical engineering, raw materials extraction, energy, metallurgy, as well as in other areas directly related to the basic industries.
IV All-Russian (national) scientific-practical conference among students, graduate students and young scientists
At the faculties of veterinary medicine and biotechnology, the IV All-Russian (national) scientific-practical conference among students, graduate students and young scientists was held: "Promising developments of young scientists in the field of veterinary medicine, production and processing of agricultural products."
Working meeting of the leadership of the Faculty of Economics with a strategic partner
The main issue of the meeting was the consideration of the role of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in the activities of a modern organization and discussion of the prospects for introducing this system into the educational process.
Within the framework of the Erasmus + program, a block-seminar on the SAGRIS project began at SSAU
SAGRIS is aimed at improving postgraduate education in sustainable agriculture and the agricultural systems of the future. Stavropol State Agrarian University and other educational institutions included in the program, began work on module 3 "Methods of scientific research" (Kazakhstan) "Modern methods of scientific research" (Russia). Keynote speakers: Kazakh Agro Technical University and Stavropol State Agrarian University. The project is designed for 3 years.
The first specialized agricultural session "We are the owners of the Earth!" completed
The first shift was attended by about 100 schoolchildren from Aleksandrovsky, Andropovsky, Apanasenkovsky, Arzgirsky, Grachevsky, Kochubeevsky, Krasnogvardeisky municipal districts; Blagodarnensky, Budennovsky, Georgievsky, Izobilnensky, Ipatovsky, Kirovsky urban districts. All the guys are members of the Student Production Teams.
Open lecture by leading experts of the Stavropol Territory in the field of agriculture
At the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, open lectures were held by the leading experts of the Stavropol Territory in the field of agriculture for 3rd and 4th year students of the "Agronomy" direction.
Congratulations on the birthday of the RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev
Happy Birthday to the main agricultural university of Russia - Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev from the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University A.V. Trukhachev.
Successful passing of the Personal financial credit by students of SSAU
As part of the Strategy for Improving Financial Literacy in the Russian Federation for 2017-2023, the Bank of Russia, together with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, is holding the IV All-Russian online financial literacy test for the population and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses from November 30 to December 16.
Meeting of students with a production representative
At the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, a meeting was held with the head of the branch of LLC "Ecological Guide" Sergei Viktorovich Portyanko. LLC "Ecological conductor" - accompanies the activities of the organization to the state of compliance with environmental legislation. Uses the latest software and a unique system for storing environmental documentation.
SSAU teachers were awarded with gratitude from the head of the city of Stavropol
In September, the Unified Voting Day took place, in the organization of which thousands of people were involved across the country. In the Stavropol Territory, deputies were elected to the city and regional Duma.
International action: dictation in English at Agrarian University
On December 7, 2021, the Pop Youth Policy Department, together with the Institute of International Relations of the Kazan Federal University, in order to motivate young people to learn foreign languages as a means of international communication and improve literacy and the level of proficiency in English language norms, organize and conduct an English dictation among students of higher education organizations and educational organizations. In 2020, more than 22,000 students from 79 regions of Russia, as well as Sweden, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, joined the Dictate.
University Interfaculty Olympiad on Law
The Olympiad is held with the aim of strengthening students' knowledge in basic disciplines. The teams performed tasks in four rounds: "Solvers", "True or False?", "Guess!" and The Decryptor.
Annual Olympiad on Project Management
Design thinking is the foundation for the success of a modern organization. Project-oriented thinking has been around for a long time, but it is still a really necessary management tool, as it aims to achieve significant and sustainable success. Instead of a boilerplate mentality that focuses on the idea and completion of the project, design thinking requires an answer to the question "What's next?" This way of thinking opens up more possibilities and gives the freedom to think outside the lifecycle of a single project, putting the organization one step ahead of the competition.
Foresight "Digital transformation of economic sectors of the North Caucasus Federal District"
As part of the implementation of the activities of the program of strategic academic leadership "PRIORITY 2030", the staff of the Faculty of Economics, together with the Southern Regional Subdivision of AGRICO LLC, conducted a foresight on the topic "Digital Transformation of Economic Sectors of the North Caucasus Federal District" in the space of the University Boiling Point.
Binary class of students with an expert
The Faculty of Economics held a meeting of students with the head of the strategic development bureau of PJSC "Neptune" Vladimir Vitalievich Merkulov. The purpose of the meeting was to familiarize future specialists with the competencies required in the professional activities of economists. The greatest attention was paid to the issues of strategic planning for the development of the enterprise and the region. The students were also interested in the opinion of a specialist about the most promising areas of professional activity, employers' requirements for hiring, opportunities and conditions for career advancement.
VII interuniversity championship in corporate finance
The Corporate Finance Championship "Financial Stand-Up" is a final presentation to the experts of the group project. The championship was held in two stages. First, the participants showed a video portfolio in which they presented the team. The next stage in the fight for victory was the presentation of a public presentation. A public presentation is a team presentation of innovative projects in order to convince the jury of the prospects and quality of the project. Successfully delivering a presentation to investors, buyers or partners is essential to the success of any project. The idea of the project is to introduce a new business with high profitability and to attract funding for the project.
Stavropol regional competition of pedagogical skills among student pedagogical teams "Leader of the Year - 2021"
The Regional Center for Youth Projects, together with the Stavropol regional branch "Russian Student Detachments" (RSO), held a competition of pedagogical skills among student pedagogical brigades "Leader of the Year - 2021". The best ones were chosen in several nominations: "Leader -" Breakthrough", it was attended by guys who have experience of the first work as a leader in a children's health camp in 2021, while the age of the participants is from 18 to 21 years; “Counselor -“Profi ”, for those whose experience as a counselor in a children's camp is at least two years, the age of the participants is from 20 to 25 years.

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