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Official information

XV International Congress “Young Professionals”
The XV International Congress “Young Professionals”, organized by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, took place on the site of the historical park “Russia - My History” in Moscow. More than 500 experts in the field of secondary vocational education, heads of colleges and universities, representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, and employing companies took part in the congress.
Scientific and practical meetup “Digital marketing as a driver of modern economy development”
The guests of honor and leading speakers during the meetup were the General Director of the Digital Agency “Mainrasha” Alexander Rubtsov, Deputy General Director Elena Rubtsova and Director of the Sales and Customer Service Department Pshenichny Ruslan. Today the portfolio of the Mainrasha company includes dozens of successfully completed projects, both Russian and international.
Round table “Modern methods and approaches in the development of environmental disciplines for sustainable development” with the participation of Russian partners
The teachers of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction within the framework of the international project Erasmus + “Improving postgraduate education in the field of sustainable agriculture and agricultural systems of the future” (SAGRIS) held a round table “Modern methods and approaches in the development of environmental disciplines for sustainable development”.
Curatorial hour: “Prevention of extremism and terrorism and other asocial manifestations”
As part of the work on countering extremism and terrorism at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, a curatorial hour was organized and conducted on the topic: “Prevention of extremism and terrorism and other antisocial manifestations”. The moderators of the meeting were: Grishanova Svetlana Valerievna, Feskova Marina Viktorovna, Elchaninova Olga Viktorovna.
Regional review-competition of student team of the Stavropol Territory
The competition is held with the aim of promoting the movement of student teams, organizing labor rivalry among student teams, as well as encouraging active participants in the movement of student teams of the Stavropol Territory. The combined student squad “Agrarian” has proved that it is capable of great achievements, because the awards speak for themselves.
VIII Congress “Innovative Practice: Science Plus Business”
Within the framework of the VIII Congress “Innovative Practice: Science Plus Business”, representatives of educational organizations, research centers and entrepreneurs considered the civilizational aspects of economic development. In 2021, the theme of the opening plenary session of the Congress is “COVID-19 as a catalyst for the creation of a new global value system in society and the economy”. Then the work continued at expert sessions.
Visit of the delegation of the RSAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev at Stavropol State Agrarian University
During the visit, the delegation examined the material and technical base of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization and the University. I got acquainted in more detail with the branded training center of the Minsk Tractor Plant, the Vector 3D prototyping center, the advanced vocational training center, the university assembly hall, the Boiling Point and the university library.
Educational and scientific publications of SSAU lecturers were awarded diplomas
The lecturers of the department “Finance, credit and insurance” presented a textbook and a monograph for participation in the VIII All-Russian innovative public competition for the best textbook, study guide and monograph. The competition is held in order to popularize educational and scientific works.
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Education EdCrunch Glocal
The international conference on new technologies in education EdCrunch Glocal was held. Experts from 25 countries discussed the future of the education sector and which trends will continue to develop in the next 2022. The conference was held online - with connections from studios in Europe, Asia and America - and a face-to-face venue in Russia.
University Open Subject Olympiad in Logistics
The logistics Olympiad is aimed at improving educational work with students in order to improve the quality of training bachelors, and develop professional competencies.
Participation in the International round table “The modern economic world: realities and prospects of development”
The round table “The modern economic world: realities and prospects of development” was organized by the Accounting and Economics Faculty of the Rostov State Economic University (RINH) (Rostov-on-Don) offline and online format.
Annual national exhibition “VUZPROMEXPO”
Sochi hosted a key event of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, held with the aim of demonstrating the achievements of Russian science and building effective communications between the scientific and educational community, government and business. The National Exhibition “VUZPROMEXPO” is a platform for bright premieres of new developments in the scientific and technological sphere, for discussing the best practices of research, innovation and educational activities, for making strategic decisions in all areas of Russian science and higher education.
Professional development program within the framework of the “AGROKADRY 2030” program have been launched
The Institute of Continuing Professional Education of Stavropol State Agrarian University within the framework of the program of strategic academic leadership “Priority 2030” has prepared advanced training programs for the project “AGROKADRY-2030 (a hub of educational, digital and personnel technologies)”. The programs are developed for different target groups of students: scientific and pedagogical workers of agricultural universities, managers and specialists of the agro-industrial complex, students, graduate students.
Project week was held at the Faculty of Economics
Lectures of the Department of Management and Management Technologies of the Faculty of Economics spent the project week, within which they passed the project and educational intensive “I am in the project”, which brought together and united the brightest and most active students from different faculties of the FSBEI HE of Stavropol State Agrarian University: the Faculty of Economics, Accounting and Finance Faculty, Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Electricity, Faculty of Secondary Professional Education.
SSAU student was awarded a scholarship from Trade Unions
The scholarship of the Territorial Union “Federation of Trade Unions of the Stavropol Territory” is assigned to full-time students of educational institutions of higher education and professional educational organizations of the Stavropol Territory, who actively participate in the activities of the trade union organization, the public life of the educational institution and who, according to the results of the last two examination sessions, have grades of at least “4”
Congratulations on the Constitution Day from SSAU Rector A.V. Trukhachev
Congratulations on the Constitution Day from the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev.
Participation of students in the regional competition "We are against corruption"
A team of students of the direction of training "State and Municipal Administration" took part in the regional youth competition "We are against corruption", which was organized by the Ministry of Education of the Stavropol Territory. The competition was held in order to develop students' legal, organizational and managerial competencies in the field of fighting corruption.
Financial literacy tournament "Happiness is not in money"
At the site of the Business School "ABC of Money" of the Youth Technopark "FoodNet" of Stavropol State Agrarian University, a financial literacy tournament "Happiness is not in money" was held among freshmen of the accounting and financial faculty. The organizer of the event was the SFO "Financier".
Open lectures by leading experts of the Stavropol Territory in the field of agriculture
As part of the implementation of the federal program "Priority 2030" at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, open lectures were held by leading experts of the Stavropol Territory in the field of agriculture for the direction "Agronomy".
New victories of the activists of the student sports club "Kolos"
An open interregional tournament in Brazilian jiu-jitsu "BJJ ONLY" Gi / noGi was held in Stavropol. More than 200 participants of different ages from 5 to 45 years old took part in the tournament, there were 13 teams of participants from the cities of the Stavropol Territory and neighboring regions in the tournament.

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