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Official information

Participation of SSAU scientists in the round table of the Union of Organic Farming
As part of the implementation of the program of strategic academic leadership "Priority 2030", the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources carry out a number of projects. One of them is the biologized farming system of the Stavropol Territory, as a result of which the Center for Organic Farming will be created.
Results of 2021 of the federal program "Employment Assistance" of the national project "Demography" in the Stavropol Territory
The "Employment Assistance" program is being implemented in the Stavropol Territory within the framework of the Demography national project. This is a program aimed at training people in modern and popular specialties. With possible subsequent employment. In the Stavropol Territory, the program is implemented by 11 centers in different settlements of the region. Citizens who are looking for work and applied to the employment service, including the unemployed, can take part in the project.
Round table "Nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle"
The concepts of "proper nutrition" and "healthy lifestyle" are inseparable, since it is the food consumed by a person that ensures the full repair and development of not only cells, but also body tissues. It is important that a sufficient (but not excessive) amount of various microelements, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins come with food. It is this problem that proper nutrition is designed to solve. This topic was devoted to a round table with students.
News channel of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in Telegram
Stay up to date with the latest news from the Stavropol State Agrarian University, and stay on the agenda of important events from the world of science and education.
Meeting of future agronomists with representatives of the largest horticultural enterprise of Karachay-Cherkessia
At the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, a meeting was held between students of the profile "Agronomy" and representatives of "Gardens of Karachay-Cherkessia" LLC. Representatives of the enterprise provided information on the prospects for industrial practice, as well as employment of graduates. In the course of communication, students actively asked their questions, and production representatives gave exhaustive answers.
The Veterinary Administration of the Stavropol Territory discussed the situation with avian influenza
In strategic cooperation with the Veterinary Administration of the Stavropol Territory and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, joint work is being carried out in several areas, including the prevention of the spread of avian influenza. The meeting reviewed the measures taken by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to prevent outbreaks of AIV in the Izobilnensky urban district of the Stavropol Territory.
SSAU - became the venue for the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2021/22 in Economics
The winners of the district stages of the Olympiad in Economics from all over the Stavropol Territory met at the university. More than 50 children passionate about this science tested their level of knowledge and competed for a ticket to the final stage of the Olympiad. The Faculties of Economics and Accounting and Finance became responsible for holding the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the 2021/22 academic year.
SSAU vocalists became the best of 150 participants in the city stage of the festival-competition of the patriotic song "Soldier's Envelope"
The festival-competition "Soldier's Envelope" is the central event for vocalists performing songs on military-patriotic and civil themes. It brings together the best performers aged 14 to 35. The city audition lasted three days. During this time, the jury reviewed more than 150 concert numbers, in which 42 people under 14 years old took part, 32 vocal ensembles (duets, trios, vocal groups, etc.) and more than 120 solo vocalists performed.
Delivery of a unique set of analytical system "Combifoss 7 DC" (CombiFoss 7 DC) to the Stavropol State Agrarian University
The launch of the analytical system will make it possible to conduct research on the quality of dairy raw materials in the Stavropol Territory at the level of ICAR/IDF world standards. Thus, it will ensure the unconditional leadership of the Laboratory for Breeding Quality Control of Milk of the Stavropol State Agrarian University not only in the South of Russia, but also in the Russian Federation as a whole.
Victory of Agrarian University players at the Universiade
The futsal team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the Championship of the South/North Caucasus Division "X Winter Universiade of Higher Educational Establishments of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation". The Universiade was held in Krasnodar, our sportsmen played 4 matches, 3 of which they won.
Negotiations on mutually beneficial activities in the breeding season of 2022 in production
The delegation of the Center for Organization and Support of Organic Poultry Farming in the South of Russia visited industrial enterprises in the Liskinsky district of the Voronezh region to negotiate mutually beneficial activities in the 2022 breeding season. The Center includes a professor of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.
Meeting of future landscape designers with production representatives
The purpose of this meeting is to get acquainted with the main activities of the company, development prospects, and the requirements that the employer is now putting forward for future specialists. It must be understood that the further activity of the florist includes not only the preparing of beautiful bouquets, but also the cultivation of planting material in greenhouses, its reproduction and cutting.
Working with future applicants within the framework of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry
The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is a system of annual subject Olympiads for students in state, municipal and non-state educational organizations that implement general educational programs. On the basis of NCFU, the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry was held.
SSAU hosted the presentation of diplomas and certificates of the International Academy of Agrarian Education
In 2020, a regional branch of the International Academy of Agrarian Education was opened in the Stavropol Territory, the headquarters of which is located in the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Cooperation between the organization and the Agrarian University provides an opportunity for the development of agricultural education and research of the agro-industrial complex.
A course of lectures by a Professor from Mexico on the development of rural areas
A researcher from Mexico became interested in the work of a scientist from the Stavropol State Agrarian University – acting dean of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, Candidate of Economic Sciences, SSAU Anna Grigorievna Ivolga. (Anna Grigorievna is the author of scientific papers on the sustainable development of rural areas in North China, the use of the tourism potential of the North Caucasus for rural development in these regions, the development of agriculture in the context of trade integration, etc.)
Meeting of students of the faculty of secondary vocational education with representatives of the group of companies "Agrico"
“Agrico” is one of the largest agro-industrial holdings, holding a stable position in the ratings of the largest agricultural producers in Russia. The company is a strategic partner of the university and one of the practice bases for students of various specialties.
Investor school: transforming savings into investments
A trading master class is a simple and quick way to gain the necessary knowledge, understand the laws of the exchange and the features of the operation of certain instruments. Thanks to this training format, you can get working skills without shoveling gigabytes of information in search of the right model, strategy or formula.
Lecture "Trends of the Future" for students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University
On the basis of the business school "ABC of Money" of the youth technopark "SmartAgro" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, a lecture "Trends of the Future", organized by PJSC Sberbank, was held. Stavropol State Agrarian University and PJSC Sberbank have long-term warm friendly relations. Many students and graduates work in their specialty in different departments of the bank, occupy leading positions.
Meeting "The state of winter crops of the 2022 harvest and monitoring the moisture supply of crops"
A meeting was held at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory on the topic "The state of winter crops of the 2022 harvest and monitoring the moisture supply of crops." The Stavropol Territory is one of the key regions for the cultivation of grain crops in Russia and is among the first places in the Russian Federation in terms of wheat harvest. In the structure of sown areas in the Stavropol Territory, wheat prevails, the share of which in the total area amounted to 58.5%.
Participation of teachers and students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty in the First Telegram Conference of the South-Western Sberbank
On the eve of the Student's Day, meetings with graduates were held at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance. Successful figures spoke about their professional growth and student years. During the conference, a quiz was held, following which the students were rewarded with valuable gifts.

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