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Forum about the main achievements of our time and the professions of the future "PRO Future"
The organizer of the forum is the Russian Society "Knowledge". The forum lasted 3 days, each of which was divided into four thematic tracks: from technologies and science of the future to medicine, marketing, economics and ecology. Forum "PRO Future" is organized primarily for students of universities and professional educational institutions of the city and region. In the program of the forum, the participants talked about cities without waste, about the transition to an ecological lifestyle in Stavropol, about myths of a cosmic scale, learned the subtleties of 3D modeling, learned about the possibilities of artificial intelligence and its training, about how to find an idea for a startup, were engaged in futuropractice. and learned to create the most advanced content for their social networks.
Participation of employees of Stavropol State Agrarian University in the opening of the "Boiling Point" of Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy
The opening of the "Boiling Point" took place in Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy. Boiling Point "is a space for collective work, which was created for educational and discussion events, working sessions, open lectures, designed to contribute to the implementation of the National Technology Initiative, the digital economy and the development of the country. The boiling point of Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy is the third point in the network of agar universities. The first was opened in 2019 at Stavropol State Agrarian University, the second in May 2021 at Novosibirsk State Agrarian University.
Profile agricultural shift "We are the owners of the Earth!" started at Agrarian University
The change brought together active members of the student production teams of the Stavropol Territory - students of the 9th, 10th and 11th grades of the general educational organizations of the Stavropol Territory. For seven days, schoolchildren will get acquainted with innovative technologies in the agricultural sector of the region; will take part in research at the faculties of the university.
Student scientific quest “Secret stories of N.I. Vavilov"
For the first time, a student scientific quest dedicated to the famous Russian and Soviet scientist Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov was held on the basis of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture.
Prevention of new coronavirus infection COVID-19
The university handed out specially designed leaflets on the prevention of coronavirus infection to students.
Participation in international professional and public accreditation
Professor of SSAU, as a deputy chairman of the commission, took part in the professional and public accreditation of the Saratov State Agrarian University for four clusters of educational programs.
Practice-oriented class  based on a strategic partner
Students of SSAU visited the Pyatigorsk Dairy Plant on a guided tour, learned about the production technology of manufactured products and asked questions to the General Director and Production Director.
In the area of permafrost
The staff of the Faculty of Ecology of Landscape Architecture visited the Institute of Permafrost named after P.I. Melnikov in Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
Seminar "Transformation of professional competencies in the labor market"
The graduate students of the Faculty of Economics were invited to the seminar.
SSAU held events for the International Day of Philosophy
Traditionally, the university hosts events to which students and guests from other educational institutions are invited to participate in conferences for the International Day of Philosophy, which is celebrated on November 18.
Preventive conversations on the prevention and suppression of wrongs were held at SSAU
On November 24 and 26, 2021, awareness-raising preventive talks on the topic “No hatred, xenophobia and enmity” and “Countering the ideology of terrorism on the Internet” were held for students of the faculties of our university.
Results of the online meeting of students' teams of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia
Stavropol State Agrarian University took 2nd place in the nomination "The best higher educational institutions organizing the work of student teams".
On the 24th of November, the regional stage of the II Interregional Universiade of the Southern Branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
The purpose of the Universiade is to encourage the interest of students of higher educational institutions in the financial system of the Russian Federation, the functions and powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the field of regional economic analysis, development of the financial market, increasing the availability of financial services and financial literacy of the population.
Students successfully completed the pension intellectual marathon
The competition was held as part of a campaign to improve financial and pension literacy. The organizer of the Competition is the Regional Branch of the Pension Fund with the support of the Ministry of Finance.
The staff of the Research Library compiled a bio-bibliographic index
The publication is dedicated to Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor G.P. Starodubtseva. It entered the funds of the libraries of agricultural universities of Russia, the Central Research Agricultural Library, the Russian State Library, the Russian Book Chamber.

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