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Official information

The scientific work of the scientists of Stavropol State University won in the All-Russian competition
The collective monograph "Management of Competitiveness of Agricultural Producers of the Stavropol Territory" was recognized as the best of the IV All-Russian Innovative Public Competition.
On the problematic issues of organizing the electoral process
An open lecture on the elections in the Russian Federation was read by Professor V.A. Cherepanov, Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Management and Law, Doctor of Law, Honored Lawyer of Russia.
Who are the judges?
Two students-athletes of SSAU Anastasia Mytsyk and Maria Ivanova, having received official licenses of judges, now have the full right to judge volleyball matches of the highest level.
Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev presented the Government of the Russian Federation's 2017 Quality Prize to Stavropol State Agrarian University
On November 9, 2017, in the House of Government of the Russian Federation in Moscow, a solemn ceremony of awarding organizations to laureates of the Russian Federation Government's Quality Prize in 2017 was held.
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Congratulations on the Day Of National Unity!
Dear colleagues, students, parents, alumni, partners of the Stavropol State Agrarian University!
I heartily congratulate you on one of the main national holidays –
National Unity Day!