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Official information

Stavropol State Agrarian University gathered “clever students”
119 smart and talented students and post-graduate students of the North Caucasus Federal District arrived in Stavropol State Agrarian University on November 15 to prove: their project is breakthrough and the country needs it!
Follow the "Dream"!
November 13, Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the grand opening of the School of Young Pioneer leaders skill of SWO "Dream".
Remember the fallen in the name of the living
In the opening ceremony of the mass grave of peaceful citizens of the city of Stavropol tortured by the fascists during the occupation of 1942-1943 students of the Agrarian University took part.
Ready to participate in the volunteer movement!
102 students of the State Agrarian University get down to work as part of volunteer units of the Agrarian University.
Manager's Day
Innovative and educational forum for the fifth time was held at the Faculty of Economics.
Students of SSAU visited Stavropol Registration Center of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Stavropol Territory
Lecture and practical lesson on the basis of the Interregional IFTS of Russia No. 11 for Stavropol Territory was held for 4th year students of the accounting and financial department.
SSAU strengthens cooperation with PJSC Sberbank
Stavropol State Agrarian University and Stavropol Branch No. 5230 of PJSC Sberbank expand cooperation. This was agreed upon by the rector of the university, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Trukhachev and the Office Manager Alexey Chvanov on the results of the working meeting on November 13.