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Official information

 Innovations in the electronic informational and educational environment of SSAU
In the electronic information and educational environment of SSAU, new opportunities for organizing distance learning have appeared. They include video communication and chat for each discipline.
The dialogues “Constitutional changes: necessity and expediency” began work
The work on a discussion of constitutional amendments submitted to the All-Russian vote has begun at the Stavropol State Agrarian University. A constructive online conversation about the issues that arise when reading constitutional amendments has been organized. There are a lot of such questions that the citizens of our country discuss today and which they do not always find clear answers for themselves.
StartUp: Land Innovation Project Fair - Helsnet (HealthNet)
At the end of March, students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University presented projects developed during the SmartAgro-2019 design and educational intensive at the StartUp: Land innovative projects fair - “Helsnet (HealthNet)”. The event was organized by: Development Corporation JSC, Belgorod Region, Department of Economic Development of the Belgorod Region, Department of Health and Social Welfare of the Belgorod Region, White Wings Association of Business Angels. The event was held in an online format.
The boiling point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the work of the "Spring Navigator" in the system of the national technological initiative
By what laws will the post-viral world live? How to develop your business in the new economic conditions? How will demand change and which business models will be most stable under conditions of uncertainty? On April 8, we will talk about what services of the NTI ecosystem you can use to find answers to these and other questions.
Students of the Agrarian University are the winners of the International Competition of Research Works
Students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance became the winners of the International competition of students research works, undergraduates and graduate students "Actual problems of economics and management: theory and practice." The competition was held on the basis of State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky."