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Official information

Review - competition of the best food products, food raw materials and innovative developments
The scientific developments of the teachers of the Stavropol State Agrarian University were awarded at the international competition for the best food products, food raw materials and innovative developments.  The competition was held in Volgograd (organizers of the GNU NIIMMP and VolgSTU).
Lecturers of SSAU took part in the plenary session of the VI all-Russian Congress of financial education volunteers
Took place the opening of the online marathon volunteers financial education, conducted by the Association for the advancement of Financial Literacy. The online event is held in the framework of the first stage of the VI all-Russian Congress of financial education volunteers. In the course of work practice were presented, including the student group "Financier".
Webinar "Foreign experience in internal controlling and risk assessment"
On the framework of the agreement on network interaction between the Stavropol state agrarian University, Saint-Petersburg state economic University held a webcast "Foreign experience in internal controlling and risk assessment".
An online excursion to the Sikory estate of the Krasnodar Territory was held for students
In connection with the epidemiological situation in the world, when classes in all educational institutions take place in distance learning, an online excursion was held for students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the field of preparation "Food from Vegetable Raw Materials" in the Sikory estate of the Krasnodar Territory.