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Official information

Dear Applicants!
On August 15, 2020, the university hosted the enrollment of persons under full-time and part-time master's programs to places with payment of the tuition fee.
Dear Applicants!
On August 12, 2020, the university enrolled individuals under full-time and part-time master's programs for targeted training and places funded from the federal budget.
Educational programs of the Stavropol State Agrarian University are internationally recognized
Stavropol State Agrarian University, following the results of professional and public accreditation, confirmed the high quality of the educational programs being implemented and their compliance with the requirements of the European standards for quality assurance of education ESG-ENQA.
The Faculty of Biotechnology held a meeting with the largest employer in the region - a representative of Energomera Concern JSC
At the Faculty of Biotechnology, as part of the development of a long-term plan for selection and breeding work with Holstein cattle at Khleborob LLC, a working meeting was held with the director for the development of production systems of Energomera Concern JSC M.V. Nikolenko.

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